Guys what the frick🤓🫳🌈
I need henren to have one season, just one, one singular one is all I ask. I need them to have one season where they have a happy family. Please for the love of god. Please. Please god please. That was so sad? They just got Mara to open up. To be herself. To come out of her shell. And they're taking her away? Cartwheeling off cliff guys what.
Bobby. Please Bobby. Give Bobby some joy. Let him live one season with a smile on his face and without regret. Athena, poor Athena. She just tryna be there for her husband and her husband is hurting and they can't really just his each other in the right spot to where they finally can help each other. Bro if he dies NUH UH.
I know that moment between buck and Bobby was supposed to be cute and a word I can't think of, but bro it was so sad knowing what was going to happen. Buck means so much to Bobby, and Bobby means so much to Buck. If they don't show their relationship in the next episode I will have very strong words that I will most likely keep to myself.
Also Buck and Tommy and their little interaction was adorable. Buck was adorable. Buck is always adorable. Buck can do NO wrong🤭😇.
But Eddie can. I feel bad for Kim. But I know Eddie is hurting, he's struggling and he needs closure. Kim, on the other hand, was not the way to get it and she was lead on. But she wanted to help. And then Marisol walks in? This is it. This is where it ends. YIPPEE!!
I know this is NOT abt The Good Doctor, but lowkey that ending was sad. It was decent. The whole show sucked imo. But the ending was good, I think.
Anyways. Idk how I feel abt this ending. I'm quaking in my boots guys