Chapter 1

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I was sitting down on cold, hard, cement. My eyes were sealed shut but my ears could hear many people talking. It sounded like a bustling city. I tried to open my eyes but the sun (I think) was bright. So I sat there for awhile listening to the many voices. Many were talking about games or music but nothing too interesting. I opened my eyes again and I was able to handle the light. I was indeed sitting on the hard cement but I was in an alley, it was cold and dirty. It smelled gross too. I didn't want to stay in this stinky dump so I tried to lift myself up, little did I know as I barely lifted my arm pain shot through them. Maybe I could move my legs instead? Nope. More pain. I sat there waiting for the pain to pass when I heard footsteps. I shrugged it off thinking it was just people walking around. But then they came closer, I wanted to get up and hide cuz you never know who or what it could be. BUT OF COURSE, I barely lifted my arm and it hurt like hell.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw fingers grip on the wall I was sitting against. Then I saw the person come out. They were wearing black sneakers, cargo shorts and a t-shirt with weird symbols. They were tall so I couldn't see their face but they bent down next to me and instead of hair they had octopus tentacles. I wanted to scurry away but my body hurt too much to move. He must've noticed I was scared because he backed up and sat a little bit away from me.

???: I'm Sorry if I frightened you, My name is Axel. I found you laying unconscious in a weird pod thingy so I picked you up and got you here. I left to get some food because you looked really hungry. Anyways what is your name?

I just kinda stared blankly at him. I tried to open my mouth but no sound came out, my throat felt like sandpaper.

Axel: Here, take some water.

He handed me a bottle of water and I slowly grabbed it. My arms hurt so much just by grabbing the water bottle and opening it but I tried not to notice it. I almost drank the whole thing before setting it down.


Axel: Nova huh? Thats a nice name. Not to be mean or anything but what are you? I'm an Octoling and many others are Inklings, but you don't look like either. Your hair is weird too.

Nova: Human.

Axel: Whoa. I've never seen a human before. I feel you might be aware but humans went extinct over 10,000 years ago.

I stared in disbelief. Was I the last human alive? If so then why would this guy be helping me and not turning me into the police or something?!?

Axel: I'm guessing you weren't aware. I'm sorry to what might have happened. But thats in the past for now. Right now I need to get you somewhere safe in hidden, I'll take you to my apartment okay?

I nodded. He picked me up and walked to the building I was sitting against. He went up a few flights of stairs but we eventually arrived to his apartment. It didn't look like much but it was nice. Axel laid me down on his couch while he sat in a chair next to me.

Nova: What happened to humans?

Axel: We were taught that WWlll broke out and then the earth flooded. Several thousands of years later squids and octopuses evolved into what we are now.

Nova: Oh.

I tried to adjust my position and surprisingly it didn't hurt as much but it still hurt.

Axel: I'm gonna go grab some of the food. The best I got was pop tarts if you want some.

He held out a box of pop tarts and placed them on his lap as he sat down. He opened one of the bags and gave me one. It was yummy.

Nova: Thanks.

Axel: No problem! You can stay here for awhile. Also while your here can I tell you about Deep Cut?

Nova: Sure.

Axel: Deep Cut are some popular idols here in Splatsville. They host splatfests, they show the current turf war stages, and they perform shows!

Nova: They sound pretty cool. Have you ever met them in person?

Axel: Nope. But if you want I can show you a few of their performances.

Nova: Yeah!

Axel turned on the TV and switched to the channel with Deep Cut.

???: Listen up, its going down. Repping the splatlands we are Deep Cut!

???: Anarchy Splatcast we're live!

???: Ay! (Here we go!)

???: You lip synch, we drip ink!

???: Ay, ay, ay! (Shiver, Frye, and Big Man!)

Axel: Aren't they cool?

Nova: Yeah

Axel: Heres a good surprise, I live in the same apartment as them. They are not at their studio today though because Frye got a small injury so they stayed home for today.

Nova: Thats a bummer

Axel: Once you can get up I need you to go to their apartment and give them this note.

Axel handed me a note that said 'Dear Frye, get well soon.'

Axel: But I'm gonna get you a hoodie to hide your hair. And I'll grab face paint to make you look like an inkling

Nova: Thanks.

I tried to get up again, it did hurt a lot but I could at least stand. I held the arm of Axels chair for balance as a took a few steps. It didn't hurt as much, right now it only felt like when your legs fall asleep, except all over my body and a bit more painful. I started walking back and forth until I felt I could walk long distances.

Nova: I'm Ready.

Axel: Now? Alright. They're apartment is one floor down, first one to the right. Heres your hoodie.

I grabbed the hoodie he gave me and put it on. It was really soft in the inside, then I lifted the hood above my long brown hair. I waved goodbye to Axel as I grabbed the note and walked out the door. I looked to my right and went down the stairs, then I found the door to Deep Cuts Apartment. I knocked.

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