Chapter 9

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Ruby: Nova?

Nova: Yep, come sit down.

I patted the spot next to me. She came and sat down.

Nova: Do you remember anything from the past?

Ruby: No, but when I heard your name it reminded me of someone.

Nova: Well I already kinda know who you are in my life. You were my girlfriend, but now I'm guessing you're not.

Ruby: WHAT.

Axel: I'll go make some food.

Ruby: Wait, everything you told me yesterday was true?

Nova: Every single bit. I know its surprising and it still is to me.

Her face became the shade of a red dodgeball.
Axel came back from the kitchen with soup.

Axel: I got us soup.

Ruby: Ooo

Nova: Thanks.

The soup tasted great, once we finished we talked for a little bit until it was 4pm

Ruby: What time is it?

Axel: 4pm.

Ruby: Can I go back to Shiver and Frye? I wanna take a nap.

Nova: You can take a nap here y'know.

Ruby: Yeah.

She laid down next to me, after A few minutes she fell asleep. And not gonna lie she was cute.

Axel: I actually have a guest room that I cleaned up yesterday if you want to sleep there tonight.

Nova: Thanks, But I think I'll stay with Ruby for awhile. Can you hand me my squid phone?

Axel: Sure.

I went on Squidtube and looked for the Anarchy Splatcast, I clicked on the newest video. They did their intro and stuff and after they announced the turf war stages they didn't end it like they normally did.

Shiver: And thats the end-

BigMan: Ay ay. (We have report from many people coming up.)

Shiver: Oh right!

Frye: Many people have reported seeing this suspicious man lurking around the alleys and a our apartment.

Shiver: That's creepy. And why our apartments?

Frye: I dunno, maybe he's one of those creepy fans.

(Heres the outro)

That man is still out there? I wonder if he's going to come after Ruby. If so shes in a lot of danger. Who knows if he'll do the same thing to he did to me to Ruby, or something worse. The best thing to do is not let her know, and be with her at all times.
I watched videos on my phone for the night but when It came time for me to go to bed I grabbed a blanket and pillow from the guest room and slept on the floor near the couch.

(Next morning)

I woke up and Checked the time on my phone, 9:47 am. I expected Ruby to be waiting for me to wake up but she was also still sleeping.

Axel: You're finally up, I made some cereal for you two. Seems like shes still sleeping.

Nova: Yeah, I remember her sleeping in for a long time.

Axel: Well you come eat I can carry her up to Shiver and Frye.

I came to the kitchen and ate my bowl of cereal. Ruby still wasn't awake.

Not a cliff hanger this time, also sorry for the really short chapter I'm running out of ideas

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