Chapter 25

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Agent 5 backed away from the machine and returned to her spot next to Captain. Everyone waited for something to happen but 5 noticed the metal flooring opening up on the far side of them. Soon everyone heard clanking of shoes against metal. Nova looked up at the cliff in front of them, she watched a metal hand grip the boulders. Then another hand. She tugged on Agent 8's arm to get her attention, then pointed towards the two hands. Agent 4 and 6 noticed too. 5 and Captain were focused on the hole. Eventually an Inkling boy came out. He was wearing some sort of armor? He had purple and black shades covering his eyes. With green hair. Two more people came out. One with black and light green hair and the other with grey hair. They both had the shades covering their eyes.

Nova: Is that.. Callie and Marie?

Agent 8: Yeah.

Nova: Who's the other one?

Agent 8: Pretty sure it's Agent 7.

They stood in a line in front of us. Even though no one could see their eyes it seemed like they were staring into their souls. Callie broke the silence and called out for someone. Everyone looked around and saw as the hands on the cliff started to break the boulders it was holding onto. Pieces of the giant rock fell to the ground revealing a giant robot with something in it. Everyone started to back up as it jumped high in the air. Then landed in front of the Mind controlled Inklings. Inside of the robots stomach was an octopus with a weird hat.

Captain: Everyone, get your weapons ready. We're going to face DJ Octavio.

Nova held her Splatana Stamper in front of her. Agent 8 held an E-Liter. Octavio blasted one of the hands towards everyone. Captain and Agent 6 started to ink it then blasted it back to Octavio. While Octavio wasn't watching 5 changed the ink tank on her back to hold teal ink. Marie's special ink. Octavio shot the next arm out and while they were inking it 5 ran around Octavios robot. There was less than of her ink tank filled which was enough to free one person. She tried to shoot the shades off of Marie but Octavio started to get mad that his attacks were being blocked so he threw his hands behind him, throwing a tantrum. His hands knocked 5 against the machine with the screen. Pulling herself back up off the floor she unknowingly accidentally pressed two buttons on the keyboard below the screen. She then hid behind the machine. Octavio began to use the same attacks he has been using but faster and stronger. Callie, Marie, and Agent 7, walked out from behind Octavio and split up. Marie ran over to 6 and 11, Agent 7 ran over to 4 and 10, and Callie ran to 8 and 9. Captain was attacking Octavio while everyone else was defending themselves from his mind controlled slaves. Agent 8 tried to use their E-Liter to hit Callie before she got close but missed. Nova started to charge up her Splatana Stamper. When Callie got closer Nova released the Stamper and let out a powerful slash, knocking Callie to the ground. She quickly got up and charged at Agent 8. Her E-Liter was knocked away. Nova dropped her Splatana and tried to rip Callie off of 8.

Agent 8: Nova, Step back.

Nova nodded and stepped aside from Callie. Agent 8 kicked Callie in the stomach to push her away. She laid on the ground for a second then got up. Nova picked up her Splatana and 8 grabbed her E-Liter. Nova started to charge up the Stamper again while 8 was aiming her weapon directly at Callie. Callie took a step, then another, then once again started to charge towards the Agents. Her attempt was unsuccessful as Nova released the Stamper and hit her back to the ground, then Agent 8 shot ink towards her stomach. They both dropped their weapons and ran to Callie. Agent 8 stopped Callie from getting up while Nova ripped the shades off her face. Callie laid there unconscious. While Nova grabbed her Splatana to crush the shades she looked over and saw that Ruby and Agent 4 had also gotten the shades off of Agent 7. Agent 6 and Sofia though, didn't. But right as Agent 8 and 4 were about to come over and help Agent 5 used the special Ink and knocked out Marie. Everyone was free. All what was left was to deal with DJ Octavio.

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