Chapter 11

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Novas POV:

When I got back to Axels I changed clothes and went to sleep in my room.
(Next Morning)

I woke up and laid in bed for a few minutes until Axel told me to get up and eat. I arrived in the kitchen and ate my cereal. Then I went to the living room to watch the Anarchy Splatcast.
They did their normal routine but when they finished they mentioned The Man. I haven't heard about him in months, and now he's back. Specifically in the same area me and Shiver found Ruby. I don't think this is going to go well.

Nova: Can I go to Callie's house? She uses a roller so maybe she can help me get better with mine.

Axel: Sure, let me get your roller in the cat I'll tell you when I'm ready.

I quickly got my shoes and socks on and met Axel outside. I got in the car and we drove to Callie's house. Axel already told her why we were coming so we wouldn't have to explain when we got there.

Callie: Nova! Come in, come in. My backyard is perfectly made for Turf Wars so we can go there.

She led me through I door I never noticed and out in a huge backyard. It looked like a whole Turf War level.

Callie: Go grab your roller and I'll grab mine.

I came back with my Flingza roller and she came with her Splat roller. We played for a long time until Axel said it was time for me to go. I got in the car and left. When we got back to the apartment I wondered what weapon Axel uses.

Nova: What weapon do you use in Turf War?

Axel: Not many like people who use it but I use the Aerospray MG.

Nova: I almost picked that one.

Why would people not like people who use the Aerospray? It's just a weapon- oh wait. I hate chargers... I think I'm just gonna go to bed. I wandered to my room and fell asleep as soon as I came in contact to the bed.

(The Next Morning)

Me and Axel both heard a huge ruckus coming from Deep Cut's apartment. I'm not sure why Axel just shrugged it off like it was normal because I never heard something like that come from there. I ate breakfast and sat on the couch watching TV for a few minutes until I could hear loud, running, footsteps coming to our door as it busted open.


Nova&Axel: WHAT??!?

Shiver: SOMEONE BROKE IN AND KIDNAPPED RUBY. I couldn't care less for anything else right now so get Nova ready and grab her Flingza Roller. She's coming with me.

Axel: You heard her. Get ready now.

I nodded as I ran to my room and quickly got dressed. When I came out Shiver held my roller and we exited the building. We started running towards the Alleys where we found Ruby until Shiver came to a stop near a sewer drain.

Shiver: Join me Master Mega!

Blue ink started to leak from the drain before out came a massive shark Shiver called friend. She gestured for me to climb on him while he rode towards 3 men running away from us with something. I looked a little closer. That was Ruby. They made a few turns before we lost track of them somewhere in the Splatlands. Shiver told me to get off Master Mega so we could walk. She found a secret area where those 3 men including the Old man were. They had Ruby tied up to a table, unconscious. We hid behind a rock to observe as they grabbed a knife and slit her arm. Then they grabbed a syringe and injected her with a red liquid. That's when Shiver came out from behind the rock.

Man1: Pop Idol Shiver came to retrieve her precious child eh?

Man2: We've already injected her, she too will lose what makes her special. It's too late.

Shiver didn't look fazed at all from what they had just said. Instead she tossed me my Flingza Roller. She gave me the look of. "Deal with them. If they refuse to surrender or you fail I'll take them." I nodded. I grabbed the handle with a good grip and jumped. I aimed for one of the men with a vertical flick. It hit but it didn't take him out. I inked the ground around them and me so I could easily swim to them and splat at least one. That's when I managed to get one while he was off guard. Then I felt a pain in the back of my head as my eyes closed and I impacted the ground.

No ones POV:

Shiver noticed that they had hit Nova in the head.

Shiver: Stop.

Man2: Oh? What what're you going to do?

Shiver glanced at the puddle of blue ink surrounding her. She jumped into the air as Master Mega formed beneath her so she landed on him.

Shiver: Pedal to the Megalodon.

Master Mega roared. He jumped in the air and crushed the men with ink. The Old man was trying to make a run for it before Shiver stopped him. And splatted him.

Novas POV:

I slowly opened my eyes as I remembered where I was. I scrambled to my feet looking around for the men. I couldn't find them, except for Shiver.

Shiver: Untie Ruby. Also grab the bandages on the ground and wrap it around the cut.

I nodded and did as she said. When I was done Shiver came over and carried her home.

When we arrived at her apartment she laid Ruby down on the couch. I was telling Frye and Big Man about what had happened so they prepared a room for Ruby. Once it was done Shiver moved Ruby to the bed.

Shiver: I'm sorry Your day had to start like this. Go back to Axel for the day and eat Lunch. We'll send Big Man down to tell you any updates.

Nova: Right.

I headed down and told Axel what had happened. Once we had calmed down a bit from what happened he asked a question.

Axel: So when are you gonna tell her you like her?


He giggled and I sighed.

Nova: Maybe when she's better and is comfortable. But then I just wouldn't know how to tell her.

Axel: Well, I heard Shiver and Frye like each other and they haven't told each other yet. So maybe you can ask one of them.

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