Chapter 8

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I eventually got up and walked to the bathroom. I was expecting to see bright yellow hair of an Inkling but no. I found the deep blue fading into lavender hair of an Octoling. I peeked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone. As I sat on the floor of the bathroom I texted Shiver.

Nova: Are u awake?

Shiver: Yeah why?

Nova: I need you to come over now. If Callie or Marie asks just tell them I need you. I'm in the bathroom of my room.

Shiver: Okay, I'll still be in my pajamas tho cuz im lazy.

5 minutes later I could hear Shiver and Marie talking, then I could hear footsteps coming to the door of my room.

Shiver: Nova, are you okay? You're making me worried.

Nova: I don't know,

I opened the door and Shiver saw my hair and eyes. Nothing like she saw when I came over.

Shiver: This, This doesn't make any sense...

Nova: Same I thought you'd be the best to call since Axel might be at work.

Shiver: Here sit down, I'll style your hair.

Nova: Thanks.

Shiver: I actually have news for you.

Nova: What is it?

Shiver: Last night Big Man was getting me and Frye some food when he spotted something running. He described it as human looking, with brown fluffy hair. That sounded like your description of Ruby. And Maybe you wanna come looking for her? I'll bring food and water just incase we find her and she's hungry.

Nova: Really? I really want to see her again. Can we ask Axel if I can go?

Shiver: Already did, I figured this would happen soon so I asked Axel and he said yes.

Nova: Yay! Go tell Marie I'll wait.

Shiver: Alright.

She left after styling my hair and talked with Marie for a minute. When she came back she told me that we were leaving now.

(Time skip to searching.)

Shiver: Let's look through the alleys and mostly deserted areas, that'll be a spot that she would be in.

We searched in the alleys around the city and we couldn't find her. But then we went to a place that looked like a deserted park.

???s POV:

I couldn't find water and my throat feels like sandpaper. My eyes were dry too. I moved to the alley near the park I was at. I sat there for awhile until I heard footsteps.

???1: She definitely won't recognize you so what will you say?

???2: Well I'd tell her I'm Nova and tell her what happened, hopefully she'll understand.

So Nova's one of their names huh? Sounds familiar.

Nova: Wait. I hear something, I think we found her.

They know I'm hear, theres no use in running. I'll just accept my fate.
Out from the corner I could spot two figures coming out. One was tall, they were wearing a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants, the other looked around my height and was wearing sweat pants and a hoodie. I looked up at their faces and they both had tentacle hair.

Nova: Hello! We noticed you were human and we wanted to save you.

???1: You see, this world is now inhabited by the evolved versions of Squids and Octopus. My names Shiver, what about yours?

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