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??: jungkook is still doing that jhope...

As everyone heard that voice a sudden sparkle of happiness Spread in their hearts...
Everyone got up and turned to the direction from where the voice came...

As they turned and sense that Jungkook came and stood at the doorway...

Jhope quickly ran to him and hugged him tightly...
Taking his suitcase

As Y/n Look that Jungkook came she ran towards kitchen and stood beside Taehyung before saying...

Y/n: Aunty....
Mrs Jeon: Yeah, dear..
She answered softly...
Y/n: Aunty Jungkook oppa came..
She said teasingly side eyeing taehyung who was making tea...

Mrs Jeon: jungkook came?
Y/n: yes aunty jungkook oppa came...
Mrs Jeon washed her hands and look at tae who was Blushing hearing his name .....

She shooked her head and walk out of the kitchen..

Y/n: Bhabhi you also come...
She said teasingly him more...
Hearing this Taehyung's
Face become whole reddish...
He looked down and y/n ran from there...

Taehyung turned around and ran towards kitchen door leaning over it as a big smile got placed on his cherry lips.
Tae:he came....

In Living room...
As jk came, he  started to greet everyone and touched the feets of elder...
Jk: Papa...
He ran to him and hugged him tightly...
And that's when taehyung walked in living room looking around but his gaze immediately got down on floor when he noticed jungkook's present.

His heart is bursting in happiness and he can't belive it,finally like after 3 years jungkook came back.he can't get more happy.

He walked and stood behind Jennie hiding not wanting jungkook to see him.

Jungkook smiled at everyone as he looked at his uncle.
Jk:daewon uncle..
He said and moved forward as daewon envelop him in a tight hug.

Daewon:it's good u are finally here dear..
Aunty son ye jin:yes but your mumma is angry at you?
Mr Jeon smile with others hearing that.

Jungkook looked at mrs jeon who is standing beside mr Jeon looking grumpy and pouting oh so cutely.

He smiled and hugged aunty Lee from side saying.
Jk: don't worry aunt,i can make it up to mumma.

Saying that he walked near Mrs Jeon and back hugged her and said so cutely.

Jk:mumma are you angry at kookie?
He asked her cutely while taehyung widened his eyes in shock.he sure was going to get nosebleed looking at jungkook behaving so cutely.

Mrs Jeon looked away but when jungkook made her look at him.she lost her control and hugged him tightly as all burst out laughing and Mrs Jeon giggled and back away slapping his cheeks playfully.

Mrs Jeon:you Always do this kookie.
She said pouting and jungkook laughed hugging her.
Jk:sorry mumma but see now i am here infront of you.
Mrs Jeon:yes and i am not letting you go now away from me..
Jk:yes yes cage me in your arms.

He said playfully hugging her when out of sudden jhope spoke up.

Jhope:mumma get hyung married to taehyungie bhabhi then see he will never ever go anywhere.

He put his bose suddenly in between making jungkook snap his head in his direction glaring at her as jhope hid behind aunty saying.
Jhope:why are you glaring at me,i am just stating facts.

Jungkook looked away clearing his throat and daewon looked around.
Daewon:yes but where is my son?

They looked around but they heard a squeal coming from behind Jennie as she pushed taehyung in front.
Jennie:here he is uncle, hiding from jungkook already..

Taehyung looked down with beating heart and clutching on his shirt tightly as he can feel dark stares at him with others stares too but he is not feeling shiver because of others stares but because of some particular boy's stares.

Mrs Jeon:come lets go fresh up and had breakfast together.

She said and walked to dinning room  as other followed him.

Taehyung gulped and decided to quickly so that he won't be able to get bumped with "particular" someone.

As he was about to walk forward he felt a presence infront of him and he looked up but his eyes widened in shock and he immediately took his gaze down walking forward.

He was about to pass by him when he heard a whisper.
Taehyung got stiff on his place but immediately gained back his concious and looked up with his doe eyes.

Tae: y-yes...
Jk:how are you?
He asked so softly that melted Taehyung's heart and he nodded looking down saying.

Tae:umm i am good and you?
Jk:good too i-

He was able to say something but they heard a loud yell.
Jennie:tae... come here take this..

Taehyung flinch hard at sudden voice and looked up at jungkook with wide eyes who passed him a smile.

Taehyung's eyes still wide in shock but with blushing red face.he ran in kitchen leaving jungkook there who smile at taehyung's cuteness and made his way to dinning room.


All settled down on chairs as ladies started to serve with taehyung too.

All started to eat too when taehyung asked suddenly.
Tae:anyone want tea..
He asked everyone but lisa told.
Lisa:no but jungkook oppa will take..

He exclaimed making jungkook stop in middle of drinking water.

Jk:no no..
He refused but jhope spoke up.
Jhope:what no no?tae bhabhi serve him..

Taehyung gulped shyly but still moved forward serving him tea and jungkook shyly looked down.

Jhope: hyung get used to it,because lifelong he will only feed you..
He said in teasingly and Taehyung blushed furiously keeping jar down he was about to run away when jhope grabbed his hand saying.

Jhope:where are you going bhabhi?sit here.

He pushed him in jungkook's lap making both jungkook and Taehyung's eyes widened in shock but still jungkook hold his waist so he will not fall down still in shock.

Taehyung registered everything and he got so shy and embarrassed as a result he immediately ran away from there.

Jhope and others were laughing hard when jungkook looked at jhope glaring at him angrily.
Jhope got quiet as he kept eating making him sigh out loud.


There you guys and i am so sorry guys..i am so so so busy in my works as days are coming and i am volunteer and it's kind of like i am in a tight schedule.

Hope you understand babies.

Wish me luck for upcoming programs *sigh*

And yes will update soon don't worry lovelies.

Till then good night/day 💜

Stay safe,stay healthy.
Love yourself,live yourself..

Bui Bui

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