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after a day, in jeon mansion.......

all were there in house sitting in living room while y/n's dad (sorry I suddenly forgot his name, please help me to remember it 🥺) is walking here and there in full tension.

looking at him taking rounds of whole living room others were feeling dizzy too. suddenly grandma spoke up.
grandma:what is the problem son? please sit down.

she said in confused tone and y/n's dad went to her and sat beside her saying.
y/n's dad:It's a matter of problem only maa... mr kang has called saying he want to talk something very important thing.. what's important? we met up yesterday only and why did he said that namjoon son should be there too..

he said Worriedly making them all smile at his expression and tone.
y/n's dad:You don't know Maa Mr Kang type of people first tries to come closer, then talk so sweetly and then they trape us in their sweet talks.. it's all business mom you will not understand..

he said in very serious tone making mr jeon sigh and grandma said patting y/n's dad back lightly.

grandma:why are you going crazy? he is a good man, see he doesn't have any evil intentions with this family okay..

she said making y/n's dad face turn bitter as he scoffed hearing that.

when suddenly someone entered and Chanyeol came to Mr jeon saying.
chanyeol:sir, Mr kang has came...
Mr jeon nodded telling him to let him enter and Chanyeol nodded bowing to all he left from there.

Mr kang:namaste Mr and Mrs jeon, namaste grandma..
he greeted to which they also greeted them back and y/n's dad looked at him bitterly before saying.
y/n's dad:welcome sir welcome..
Mr kang:thankyou..

saying that Mr kang settled beside Mr jeon while y/n's dad went near grandma and whispered.
y/n's dad:see he came?

he said only to get a chuckle from her as she said.
grandma:I can see dear..
she said and y/n's dad lips formed a pout but he kept looking at Mr kang suspiciously..


Mr kang:I am so sorry I called you all this urgently..
Mr jeon shook his head saying.
Mr jeon:no its okay... maids bring water please... do you want something Mr kang?
Mr kang:no no it's okay..

Mrs jeon:how can it be okay? eat something first, we can talk later too.. diya(maid)  bring something to eat.

diya:yes ma'am..
voice came from kitchen.

after later some snacks Mr kang spoke up..

Mr kang:you know why I came today?
he asked to which they all have him smile encouraging to let  him tell that he wants to.

Mr kang continued...
Mr kang:because of my son jin.. since yesterday we left party. he is not in his sense, he keeps day dreaming about someone or should I say about namjoon... I don't know if you will agree or not but I really want namjoon to be my son -in-law and you all should accept my son jin as your son in law..

at last he dropped the bomb and all were looking at him with wide eyes and both Mr and Mrs jeon got shocked and surprise to hear it.

Mrs jeon:what?
she asked again not believing her ears.
Mr kang joint his hands in front of Mr jeon and said.
Mr kang:please accept my son.. Mr jeon..
he said and Mr jeon immediately grabbed his hand saying.

Mr jeon:oh my god... Mr kang..
he said smiling and Mrs jeon got up ready to go when her brother spoke up..
hyunbin:where are you going?
mrs jeon turned around and said smiling

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