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But then jhope showed his tongue to jk who looked at him but again he started to tease him
Jk: hey..
He said angrily showing his index finger...
Jhope: hey..
He said again showed him tongue testing his patience and jk got up and was about to beat him but jhope ran around and jk started to Chase him...
Both were running around like small kids..

As jhope and jk was running around chasing each other as kids...
But they didn't noticed that Tae was coming from front tae also didn't noticed them untill jhope ran and hid behind tae who was looking so damn confused ..
Jhope: Bhabhi look hyung is beating me .
He said peeking from his back ...
Jk was looking at him in disbelief..
Jk: how can you say that, you Little brat..
He said glaring at him ...
Tae: Hyung ..
He called out jungkook in his soft voice while he was glaring at jhope..

Jk: hmm
He became soft as he heard tae's voice...
And jhope took the chance and pushed tae on Jk and Taehyung's eyes got  wide open in shock at jhope's action .
And tae become scared by sudden action of jhope...
And he thinks he was going to fall but nahh boy ..
Jk quickly catched his waist and pulled him towards himself who landed directly on his chest....
They both were now lost in each other's eyes .
Tae's heart was running at inhuman speed..
He look up and find jk was already looking at him
Taehyung's hands were on jk's chest and jk's hands  were on Taehyung's waist...
And both were looking at each other deeply...

Taehyung is fisting his hand on jungkook's shirt on chest while breathing heavily.

Jk: Are you ok?
He asked with softest tone ever making taehyung heart go crazy which is now  beating at extreme level..
That even jk was able to hear it.....

Both were basically lost in each other
Unknown with the fact that everyone was watching them...
And soon they heard throat clearing sound
Making them come out the staring contest only to find that whole family was looking at them with teasing smile on their lips
Jk look at jhope who was grinning side to side ...
Jk again glared at him and jhope hide at  back of his mom..
Taehyung's eyes got wide as blush crept on his bread cheek...
His breath hitched and knowing that everyone was watching them..

Jk saw taehyung's shy face..
He looked at everyone then at taehyung again and embrace him and tae's heart again beat like someone was playing drum..
Jk rubbed his back calming him down..
As he sensed that tae stopped his breath...

Jk: bub ,smell the roses and blow a candle
he said rubbing his back..
Tae got what jk was saying and he started to breath heavily as he stop himself to breathing when jungkook pulled him closer.

Jk: breath out ...
He whispered in his ears and soon taehyung calm down breathing normally but damn was he so nervous looking at looks and eyes which are staring right through his soul..

He hurriedly back away from jungkook and looked down tugging his silky hairs behind his ears. face has gone 50 shades of red...

Tae: i-i will go ,yeji noona (maid) is calling me..
He ran from there immediately not waiting for anyone to say a word while jungkook looked at him worriedly as he(tae) was running stumbling on his way to kitchen.

when after a while jungkook looked up he saw all members of family is giving him look with a smile that jungkook misunderstood or maybe understood as smirk.

jk:what? go don't you all have to prepare for party...
he said making them run here and there to continue their work while grandma, Mr jeon, Mrs jeon and other oldies sat down on couch talking.


all were present there in party while family members were greeting and welcoming guest.

Mr jeon:wlcm Mr kang, thanks for coming to this party it means a lot to us.

he said greeting and welcoming his one of the bestest friend and also a business partner.

mr kang:Thank you jeon... I should he thankful for inviting us to this party.

mr jeon smiled and said.
mr jeon:honey meet Mr kang harshit, my friend and also a business partner. in commitee meetings and board meeting we got along very quickly.

Mr kang smiled and nodded saying.
Mr kang:yes sister-in-law but Mr jeon has made us very happy by inviting us to this party. meet my son seokjin...

jin came forward and bowed to them greeting them with respect.
jin:hello aunty, hello uncle..
Mr kang:say namste darling..

jin shyly smiled saying.

he said and moved back making them giggle at his cuteness.

Mr kang:my son doesn't know much hindi, he trying to study it now as you know he is in foreign from his birth.

Mr jeon and mrs jeon nodded and Mrs jeon gave jin a wide smile hugging him from side.

Mrs jeon:feel free son there is no need to be shy, we all are a family here..

jin nodded shyly but he looked up when he heard a voice from behind.

?? :oppa~
jin and Mr kang smiled and looked at the boy who is pouting looking at him.

Mr kang:oh chim we totally forgot about you.. ,come here....

jimin came near them pouting adoring his pink lips as he stood beside Mr kang who hugged him from side saying.

Mr kang:and this is my small baby jimin, model of prada..
jimin first pout whining under his breath as Mr kang called him "baby" but later he blushed when his dad introduced him like that.

jimin:namste uncle aunty..
he said softly joining his both hands and touched their feets who were very amused looking at him and gave him blessing.

Mrs jeon:wow seems like you little baby is quite a Indian boy..

jimin smiled shyly and hide behind jin who laughed and Pat his back calming his lil bro.

Mr kang:yea you can say that haha...

they enter inside and jeon's three son came to them with big smile on their faces.

when jin looked up his eyes got locked with someone who is looking back at him but just looked down when he sensed it is bad habit to stare at someone without their permission.

Mr jeon:oh yes meet my son's namjoon-
Namjoon smiled and looked at them bowing his head down while his one hand in pocket and other hanging down.

Mr jeon:-jungkook-
jungkook smiled and bowed to them touching Mr kang's feet in respect who gave him blessings.

Mr jeon:-and small one jhope..
jhope bowed down then he went near Jin and whispered in his ears.

jhope:you are looking beautiful.

jin blushed and looked down saying.

jhope then looked at jimin and smiled widely saying.
jhope:prada's model is here too..
jimin smiled and nodded bowing to him to which he did same.

namjoon:hello jin-shiii..

Jin's heart skipped a beat hearing that sweet alurring deep tone of him making his body go weak and he literally shivered.

they shaked hands with each other as looking deep in each other's eyes.

unknown to their beat heart winking at each other internally, tummy twisted in a good way feeling butterflies all over tummy...


sorry guys for late update but here I am.. as you all know my exams are yet to be done..

it's a surprise update... tada surprise for you all.. ☺

don't forgot to vote, comment and follow me for reading my other stories too😁.(self promotion I see)

till then good day 🌅/night..🌃(depends on time)

byy byy seeyu......

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