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they shaked hands with each other as looking deep in each other's eyes.

he said smiling showing his dimple simple ans forwarding his hand to jin as Jin's heart skip a beat looking at  that beautiful smile that can make anyone day.

he shaked his hand with namjoon and said shyly as namjoon's voice is making him feel shiver all over his body.he said that with blushy cheeks and silence engulfed them.

both were damn nervous don't know why but they are just loving the silence surrounding them.

that's when jhope butted in feeling done at the lack of conversation between his hyung and this beautiful man (jin) .

jhope:hello seokjin-shiii and jimin-shii ....
he chirped happily making them coe at his adorable smile.

he replied with slight smile adoring his lips.

jhope gave a look to namjoon and grabbed Jin's and jimin's soft hand in his and started to walk to table to take seat.

jhope:by the way I am jeon hoseok smallest son of jeon's.
jin and jimin nodded as jhope continued.

jhope:good that you came seokjin-shiii and jimin-shii, otherwise you could've missed golden opportunity of meeting me.
he said proudly praising himself and jin and jimin laughed with others.

all settled down on chairs around a table.


       jin      jimin
namjoon |                      |  y/n
jungkook|                      |  tae
         ?    |                    |jennie
Lisa  |                      | 
?      ?

all settled down on table. taehyung and you/n also joined them. jhope went somewhere while namjoon, jungkook,  and lisa sat at another side of table.

lisa:so seokjin-shiii how are you feeling in India here?

jin smiled and looked at jimin who is sitting right beside him. jimin looked up at him and again looked down shyly smiling because all of them are new to him and he is so shy in front of them.

jin spoke up.
jin:to say truth I am feeling blessed to be Indian and I am quiet excited to explore India and it's cultures. specially I love the culture here. I am feeling so enlightened after smelling my own nation's Air and looking at your family I just want to say that if we had our mom with us, surely she will be like your mom only.

he said suddenly getting emotional and jimin too sadly looked down.

all shared a sad look too and then y/n spoke.

y/n:whenever a Indian lives, he/she will be always an Indian. right seokjin-shiii?
she questioned him and jin smiled nodding.
jhope:oh wow, want to have some sweets?

he asked jin and jimin who shook their head as no smiling.
jhope smiled and said.
jhope:okay, I will have sweet on yours behalf.
he said before eating one sweet then he cleared his tone saying.

jhope:by the way, how do you like today's decorations?
he said eyeing y/n who Sassily began to set  her hairs.
jimin:it's so beautiful right oppa?
he said and looked at jin who nodded.

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