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after engagement ceremony, Mr jeon and all are standing looking at new engaged couple. Mr jeon is hugging taehyung by his side and Mr kim is hugging jungkook by his side. both are facing each other while other's are standing behind them looking at the lovely with adoring smile.

mr jeon:now taehyung son is officially our..
all laughed but gasped when mr kim said.
mr kim:that's good, you take that tension..

taehyung's luscious lips formed a innocent pout and he looked down but giggling knowing very well his dad doesn't mean anything he said now.

mr kim:I don't minho how he will be as daughter in law but this daughter are very lovely and dad's life...
he said making them emotional and taehyung ran in his arms who is waiting for him with wide arms then hugging taehyung from one side he also pulled jungkook with another hand on his chest.

taehyung looked up at jungkook and passes him a genuine happy smile to jungkook who smiled at his softly and grab taehyung's hand in his and rubbed soothing circles at the back of his hand making him sigh out in such a relief that he felt his heart content and warmth from jungkook's hand is making him feel dizzy..


all were sitting in drawing room with lights turned off and a white projector on front wall.

jin and namjoon sitting beside each other in middle. jungkook and taehyung at back of namjin in between. jhope and y/n beside each other sitting on floor closely. Mrs jeon and Mr jeon sitting beside jungkook's side while jungkook beside Mrs jeon.

grandma and others were sitting at one side and mr jeon turned on the projector..

mrs lee squealed saying.
mrs lee:yes film started, brother-in-law was so fond of shooting back then.. you know jinnie he used to shoot all the things back then in his camera as a memory to him.

she said making everyone smiled but then mr kim entered with y/n's dad and stood in front of projector making other to yell at.
all:yah get at side..
mr park:ohh short film time..

he said and settled down beside jhope silently..

soon the film started and a man came in front of the camera shyly trying to hide his face, his face is glowing so much and he is looking so handsome and noticing it y/n spoke up..
y/n:ohh wow see how young raghu kaka is looking back then..

all smiled nodding.
mr jeon:bahu he is raghuvir our caretaker and he lives with us but now he is in village.
jin nodded and again looked back at projector to see all children's playing and dancing everywhere..
Lisa:ohh bhabhi try to recognize them..
she said excitedly..

and jin cupped his face looking at projector with all his concentration while namjoon smiled at looking at his face.

Lisa:bhabhi answer... okay wait I will introduce you..

then soon all one by one started to come in front of comera..
Lisa:he is namjoon oppa..
Lisa:see my wifey jennie..
soon a girl smelling a rose while cupping it's soft petal and giggling softly came in front of camera and Lisa spoke up
Lisa:that's taehyungie..

taehyung looked down shyly covering his face with veil but mrs lee who is sitting beside him removed it from his face and smiled at her to which taehyung with shy smile.

jungkook who is looking at projector intensely looked at taehyung and chuckles silently.

then they all looked at projector to see a boy in his early 10's sitting on wall silently reading his comic books leaning on wall behind wearing a jeans and shirt looking handsome even in his childhood age..

Lisa:see see that's jungkook oppa..
taehyung smiled shyly looking down hearing jungkook's name.

jungkook chuckled looking at himself even in childhood and now too he is a shy bean and a silent person..

back to film... a boy came in front of camera with a ghost outfit but then he removed it and poke out his tongue in teasing manner.
Lisa:that's jhope..

jhope looked at y/n and passed him a smile..

mrs lee:you know bahu in childhood days jungkook always used to get beatings from jiji(mrs jeon)
jungkook hugged mrs jeon from side and she smiled cupping his face.

mrs jeon:then what he was the naughtiest kid in childhood..
she said smiling thinking of back days..

then on projector a girl in her age of 8 is standing while holding a stick leaning on it little down wearing a saree and faking like she is coughing..

Lisa:umm umm who is this y/n?
she asked as all looked at projector clearly and y/n got confused and she scoot a little closer to jhope who is looking at her with sweet smile.
y/n:who is she?
jhope:you tell me..

y/n pout thinking but suddenly y/n screamed loudly giggling.
y/n:that's me grandma...
she said and grandma caressed her hairs from back softly..
jhope:what a pretty girl..
he said dreamily while looking at beautiful small girl on screen..

y/n looked at her and smiled shyly but then looked away when jhope looked at her with a smirk..

in next video they saw namjoon teaching them on blckboard while all other kids were sitting down on floor but on mat..
jennie:see bhabhi that's joonie oppa teaching us..

in video....
he said and all repeated after him..
other kids with them too:ABCDEFGHI...

he said and they repeated when suddenly camera got focused on a girl and boy sitting beside each other and looking at each other with a soft smile adoring their baby lips..

jennie:see taehyungie bhabhi and jungkook oppa... the love birds...
she said and all smiled nodding..

while taehyung blushed furiously looking at jungkook on screen but then he turned His gaze towards jungkook who is already looking at him with a sloppy smile pasted on his lips admiring taehyung who is getting shy under his dark yet soft gaze..

jungkook looked around and saw all were busy in film so he leaned closer to taehyung whose breath became uneven looking at jungkook leaned closer..

he fisted his dress tightly in his hold and looked down but suddenly flinched with wide eyes when jungkook grabbed his hand in his caresssing it with his thumb and index finger..

taehyung bit his lips with red cheeks but then looked back at projector trying to ignore those butterflies in his tummy and the tingling sensation in his heart while jungkook is loving the effect he is having on taehyung still..

back to film they saw jhope and y/n fighting with each other..
mr lee:see jhope and y/n fighting again..
mrs jeon:don't say oppa, you also know how much they two used to fight with each other in childhood like tom and Jerry....

y/n smiled looking down while jhope kept  his gaze fixed at y/n and didn't looked away making y/n shy..

y/n's dad:yes but at the end they will eventually get back together like that see..
he said and point at projector and looked at it to see jhope swinging y/n back and forth while see is giggling mess..

y/n and jhope's lips formed a adorning smile....



I am gone soft please don't touch me 🥺🥺
(sorry for late update haha 😂)

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