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Mrs jeon:we will miss you halmoni...
she said sadly making halmoni smile who hugged her to her chest and said.
halmoni:I will too my child..
she said and sadly looked at her while y/n smiled looking at them.. her eyes desperately searching for him. who seems to nowhere to be found..

she sighed guessing he must be sleeping till now..

jhope ruffled his hairs and ran down stairs directly outside and saw all were bidding byy's to halmoni, y/n and y/n's dad..

jhope ran towards halmoni and said.
jhope:oh halmoni you are going, you should've stayed a lil more days nah..
he said in pouty tone and all chuckled hearing it but then Mrs jeon spoke up.

Mrs jeon:rampur's train is on perfect time hobi okay..
she said in sassy tone and all of them burst into laughter but then a idea strikes in jhope's mind and he asked.
jhope:kookie hyung.... I will go drop them, you stay here..
jungkook chuckled at his attempt and said.
jk:oh no don't worry hoba joonie hyung and me are going.. you go keep on sleeping...... yes mumma comming..

he said and went away laughing at jhope's kicked away puppy like face. jhope looked around and saw y/n looking at him sadly but smiling. so he immediately went to her and grabbed her hand dragging her in a direction where they could talk peacefully. y/n looked down with red cheeks smiling looking at jhope's back but suddenly jennie came there with Lisa and others making jhope halt on his place..

jennie:arey y/niee here for you..
she said giving her flowers and y/n looked at her.
y/n:for me thanks unnie.
jennie smiled and grabbing her hand she took her away in opposite direction.. making jhope sigh sadly and he kept looking at y/n desperately wanting to talk with her atleast for last time..

Mrs jeon and jennie made y/n sit inside car and y/n waved them byy but then her eyes fell on jhope who is looking at her blankly.
jin:byy y/niee.
y/n smiled and replied.
y/n:byy sister-in-law...
she said and looked at jhope who is still looking at her..

she smiled and driver started the car and started to drive off while y/n waved a tiny byy to jhope who turned around looking down not able to look at her leaving.

. ...........................

in industry....

jhope:yes dad is always right... if we wake up late things are left to be undone..... papa's are always right
he said entering inside Mr jeon's office who is sitting on his chair with jennie's children's on his lap. jhope shaked his hand with Mr jeon who smiled and shaked it back..

while others are looking at him with a smile plastered on their lips.
mr jeon:if you have learned that then learn this too that if some things are left undone we can complete it tomorrow.. you see every morning sun brings a new ray of hope..
he said and jhope looked at him amused.
jhope:oh wow.. I will note it down.
he took out his personal diary and asked.
jhope:pen please..
all laughed and mr jeon said.
mr jeon:ofcourse here you go..
he said giving him pen.

mr jeon then looked at jin and said.
mr jeon:jungkook-ah go show our office to jin and yes beta(jin) take suggestions for improvement.

jungkook nodded and he took jin with him to their office where three tables are arranged properly in one room with every thing included.

jungkook:come bhabhi.. see this is three brother's office room..
jhope nodded and said.
jhope:this middle one is namjoon hyung's table and left one is jungkook hyung's and right one is jhope's..... very neat no pending work..
he added for giving a good impression and jungkook placed his hand around jhope's shoulder and said in teasing tone.
jungkook:no work at all bhabhi..

jhope's lips formed pout and he came near jin and said.
jhope:bhabhi you come here..
he said grabbed jin's hand and leaded him to namjoon's table saying.
jhope:you sit here pit and posh namjoon's hyungs chair..
jungkook:bhabhi you want to eat something..

jin smiled moving on the chair lightly while jhope spoke up.
jhope:yes of course bring juices ans all let's do party what say kids..
he said and all three kids ran to jhope who smiled when Lisa spokes up.
Lisa:wait wait.. first let namjoon hyung come... we have to talk about some important things..

and that's when jennie entered with  namjoon while some employees of him tailing behind namjoon who laughed nervously and said.
namjoon:I will just come..
he said to them who smiled and nodded while jennie laughed and said.
jennie:offo hyung... come.. sit here..

she said made her sit down on chair while she sat infront of him on table and namjoon looked at jin qho is looking down while moving on moving chair.

namjoon:yes what's the problem?
he asked and Lisa, jhope, jungkook and jennie looked at him while jin is still looking down.

jennie:problem is this hyung that after marriage it isn't even two days and you started to come to office.

Lisa nodded and said.
Lisa:yes hyung.. after marriage people's go on a trip..
jennie:yes and tell where are you taking bhabhi on honeymoon?

and that topic lead to home..... even after coming back from office they were busy talking about that topic only..


short chapter can't help it.. in a tight schedule 📅 so please understand me babies 👶👶🍼kk

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