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everyone got ready as to go on a picnic in the village too much excited for some reasons.. soon they all sat in bus and drive off to a old haveli(mansion). y/n, taehyung and jimin with jin and jennie ran inside the haveli as soon as they got down. y/n wore her hat and laughed when he saw jhope was trying to copy her.

taehyung smiled at them and turned around to only see jungkook riding a horse looking ever so mesmerizing. taehyung bit his lips when he took in jungkook's  features, his wavy hairs which are floating in the air, how handsome he is looking while riding a horse like that horse is made just for him.

suddenly jhope shouted.
jhope:kookie hyung... come here.. we are going to discuss love life of the king of here..

he said making everyone laugh as jungkook smiled and nodded walking to keep the horse on its place.


jhope:so how many queens does king used to have?
he asked specially to y/n who chuckled and said.
y/n:ji 100..
hearing her jhope got amused and he looked at other with wide eyes while y/n laughed and told jin.
y/n:let's go up there..
jhope:means 100..
y/n and other ladies went from there laughing while jhope chuckled in disbelief and hugged Lisa from side saying.
jhope:to tell truth jiju if I was in place of king na..
he stopped in midway when he saw all ladies with namjoon and kai going to otherside.
jhope:hey wait full story please..

giggles and laughd echo all around the haveli as jin, taehyung, y/n, jimin and jennie. as they played around with each other. y/n twirled around and stopped suddenly saying.
y/n:this is mansion of queens and you know bhabhi.. I have heard that the small queen of king was so beautiful in the world that people's used to get awestruck.

she twirled around saying.
y/n:she used to do dance here and play with her friends.
she twirled around again and stopped keeping her left hand up on head holding her dupatta. jhope suddenly came to her and positioned his camera towards her..

jhope:one pic please.
y/n nodded and jhope clicked her pic and said.
he went at side letting her continue.

jin laughed looking at them and y/n grabbed jin's hand and drag her towards others saying.
y/n:and you know bhabhi when she used to dance many peacocks used to dance with her.
hearing her the son of Lisa's brother asked y/n
chintu(sorry I forget his name):does this peacocks come now also?

he asked sitting beside Lisa, namjoon and jhope.
Lisa:the clouds has surrounded the sky.. queens like beautiful ladies are in front of us where will this peacock kings will go carrying their heart.
jin, jennie and y/n giggled with taehyung giving them sassy look.

jhope:cool jija ji.. keep your flirting on.
radha:mommy.. mommy...
jennie looked at around when she heard shouting..

while with radha..

radha is in arms of taehyung who is sitting at side looking around when suddenly radha smiled widely and pointed her fingers down.
radha:see there..
taehyung frowned and looked down to see jungkook sitting on elephant looking up at them.
radha:mommy mommy..

jennie came towards them and radha showed her that she wanted to show.
radha:mommy see there..
jennie chuckled saying.
jhope:what is it?peacock?
jennie:no it's elephant.see..
jennie pointed her fingers down and jhope leaned on her little keeping his hands on her shoulder and saw jungkook sitting like a king on carriage which is place on top of elephant with sonu on his lap.

jhope:woah!!kookie hyung is also so great sometimes he brings horse then some times elephants.
all laughed hearing it and namjoon looked at jin saying.
jin:come I will give you elephant ride today..
jin nodded smiling with red cheeks and namjoon took her away while others followed them..

all came running and saw three big elephants seating in the line. Lisa and jhope began to click pics while namjoon took jin with him. chintu sat with jungkook and when jungkook saw jin coming he said giving his hand.
jk:come bhabhi...
jin chuckled saying.
jin:kookie oppa I am going in front... taehyung come sit with him..
she said and ran towards namjoon who grabbed her hand helping her to sit on first elephant.

jhope smirked teasingly and grabbed taehyung with shoulder and dragged her towards the elephant jungkook is sitting in and said.
jhope:wow taehyungie bhabhi enjoy.. sit sit... kookie hyung give your hand to her..

jungkook gave his hand to taehyung who took it and Climbed up and slowly sat beside jungkook oh so close with him making his thigh brush with jungkook's.

then jungkook helped taehyung to lock the carriage and soon namjoon helped jin to sit in front of her.
namjoon:okay all get seated..

hearing him jhope grabbed y/n's hand and dragged her saying.
jhope:yes let's go let's go sit.
y/n joined namjin in first elephant..

y/n looked behind her while climbing saying.
y/n:uh huh... house full..
jhope looked at her and said.
jhope:then where will I go?

Lisa and jennie who were in second elephant said
Lisa:come here hoba..
jhope:okay everyone settle down grab each other hand.. come man come fast.
jhope said to the man who was keeping stairs for them.
jhope:please ride slowly okay. my engagement is also remaning.
all laughed hearing him even that man.

jennie shouted loudly when jhope climbed while making elephant move so much.

jhope got settled down and locked it.
jhope:elephant my partner... jai ganesh ji.
and the rider of the elephant began to make elephant get up and while getting up other felt like they will fall down.

jennie and other are laughing hard feeling tickles in their tummy.

when third elephant was going to get up.. taehyung leaned back and jungkook....


here you go... tell me how is it and your favourite part... 😁

comment me down if you guys wanna add something in it.. 👇

do enjoy it..

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don't forget to follow me for more stories like this... till then byy take care.... 👋

love ya❤, saranghae❤, borahae 💜and I missed you guys🖤..

bogo shipda~

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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