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jennie:no Paris..
they all laughed hearing rowon and rowon ran to aeri and others sitting beside them shyly while but namjoon grabbed his hand and made him sit on his lap saying.
namjoon:okay but wherever we will go, we have to go all other...

he said and was about to get when everyone shouted no so he sat back and jennie spoke up.
jennie:in your honeymoon what's our work oppa?
namjoon looked away from them and said.
namjoon:on this moments only we get to see each other and enjoy each other's presence.. if you agree then let's go otherwise it's a cancel...
they all shoutes hearing that when suddenly namjoon said no to their plans..
jhope:no no don't cancel
Lisa:yes don't cancel..

jennie:see bhabhi we are asking to come along..
she said while putting oil on jungkook's head who is leaning on her lap and closing his eyes..
Lisa:yes he is taking us..
he completed her sentence and all laughed hearing that..

mrs jeon:yes good... all of you kids can go in a trip..
jhope nodded and said.
jhope:yes and you are also coming taehyungie bhabhi..
jennie:yes even doctors are elligble for holidays... right jungkook oppa?

she said but jungkook didn't said anything but his lips just curved up from corner and jennie leaned in ans whispered to him.
jennie:atleast say yes oppa..
jk:yes... . .
he smiled making taehyung blush looking down and baekhyung got excited.
namjoon:only you are not going with us...
baekhyung looked at him with pout and whined asking.
jhope:yes why..

both whined but then namjoon said.
namjoon:from three weeks he is not going in shop..
baek:mumma leave it..
namjoon:did you forget day after tomorrow you have to go on tour with band?
baek:papa is he my friend or enemy?

Mr jeon:son work come's first..
all cheered saying yes and then baekhyung lips formed a wide pout but then he said.
baek:okay you won this time joonie.. okay then bhabhi ji tell me where you wanna go.. I will book the ticket.. please tell nah

he whined meanwhile jungkook got up and say behind baekhyung who is whining to jin and jin is giggling mess while clutching on his saree. jhope made a stop sign and said.
jhope:wait wait he is saying.
he looked towards jin and asked.
jhope:tell bhabhi where you wanna go? please..
jin laughed and said.

jhope's eyes widened with shock while all got surprised with where jin wanna go... they thought he will tell a foreign city but no he choose to go to village besides those foreign cities. really jin doesn't failed to make them amused..

jhope crawled towards him with wide eyes and asked again.
jhope:tell once again bhabhi..
jin laughed and cupped his face with one hand saying.
jin:let's go to rampur..
jhope smiled widely and let his head fall on Jin's lap while all other laughed at jhope's expressions..

(you can imagine this song pretty please.....)

all are enjoying themselves and taehyung didn't failed to notice those soft gaze on him from jungkook while he was driving.. he felt so much shy when he caught jungkook staring at him through rear mirror but like a shameless person jungkook kept on looking at him..


reaching the destination, Lisa parked the bus and all got off while y/n and her father welcomed everyone with flower garland..

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