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Wednesday 1979 

It was a sunny afternoon when Tewksbury decided to go hang out with his friends.

Enola on the other hand wanted to stay home to finish her latest case, she wanted to finish it as soon as possible because she wanted to spend time with her boo. She wanted to be with tewksbury cause work was stressing her a lot she wanted to rest but she couldn't. But this time something unexpected.

It is now 9pm in the evening Enola was already preparing her bed because she was really tired of work, she did her skin routine, took a bath, and brushed her teeth she was about to go to bed until she heard a big bang on her front door. Enola was shocked she ran down stairs to check what banged on her front door, when she opened the door she was shocked.

"Love? is that you" she asked scared 

"Enola, my darling" Tewksbury replied like a person who never slept

Enola didn't know what happened to him so she took his feet and dragged him inside before they could attention from people well mostly paparazzis 

The most painful part was, Enola needed to bring Tewksbury upstairs. Enola once took Sherlock to his apartment how hard can it be to drag a lord to their room.

"love" enola asked

"mhh" tewksbury replied 

"we need to go upstairs" enola replied 

"do you know that love is love" he replied drunk

"do you know that if we could go upstairs we could maybe rest and change to your pajamas and forget this never happened" Enola said with her eyebrows up 

"you know what stand up" enola said 

"fINeee" he replied 

Well tewksbury stood up, he did. well he stood up for less than 5 seconds.

He was about to fall but something or someone was holding him.

You are lucky that I love you cause if I didn't I would have thrown you to the streets" she said 

"I'm really am lucky" he smiled

"Nincompoop" enola scoffed 

After 20 minutes they finally reached their room. Enola dropped Tewksbury on their bed and drank some water. I mean who wouldn't get tired after dragging a person to the 2nd floor.

"Nola" he called 

"Yes my love" she replied 

"My head hurts" he cried 

"And why is it hurting" she asked 

"I DON'T KNOWWW" he cried like a baby

"You know what" she said 

Enola dragged tewksbury to the bathroom and on the shower.

"I know that water won't reduce the pain but you smell weird" she replied 

She pushed tewksbury to the shower and closed it.

"call me when ur done" she shouted 

"okayyyyyyyy" he replied back


"Darling im done" he shouted back

Enola took him and his pajamas she couldn't blame tewksbury, he was drunk he has his head on his butt, So instead of getting mad she just treated him like her boyfriend well a lil more soft

Nola helped him wear his pajamas because he kept on shaking.

surprisingly tewks managed to drag his body to their bed

"Love" he questioned enola 

"I'm sorry" he said with his eyes closed 

"why" enola said while cupping her hands on his face

"I must be a pain in the back" he said

"No, no you aren't" she replied 

"Exactly why?" he asked 

" I understand you, I feel you stressing about ur lord duties all the time. I get stressed to" she smiled 

"Being with you makes me forget everything" he smiled

Enola just blushed, She just couldn't help herself

"being with you makes me happy" she replied back.

She gave Tewksbury a kiss on his lips, They both needed it.

"Now I think it's time we get to bed" enola laughed 

"Indeed my love" he said 

603 words help that is so short but here is an update cause I didn't want to bring everyone down HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA do NOT be shy to request. my dms are open for you. okay bye!

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