one of the girls 3

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When Enola got to her room Sherlock entered his study room to make calls to contact Tewkesbury, sadly none answered. This made Sherlock frustrated why is this happening he thought. He was the The Sherlock Homes, he can literally solve any mystery but he can't even solve her owns sister's problem. He knew he had to solve this problem in order to give Enola a peaceful mind. She was devastated and he hated not being a help to her. He called his secretary to schedule a meeting with the parents of Tewkesbury in which his secretary made it her top priority to send the word to the mother of Tewkesbury, but after an hour his secretary came an hour after telling him that Tewksbury's mom refuses to talk about it or anything. Sherlock was confused more than ever. He told his secretary to exit his office, then he got ready for bed. It was a tiring day, he just got home and somehow he has another case to solve.


Enola was wide awake she heard Sherlock talking to his secretary, somehow Sherlock sent his secretary to the the mom of Tewkesbury but they refused. Enola didn't want to give a reaction, she was tired and she doesn't have time for this kind of situation. She sat on one of the steps of the stairs and stared blankly like she didn't have any plans for her life. As Sherlock's secretary exited his office she saw Enola. "Miss Holmes, I thought you were asleep" Sherlock secretary blurted "What did he tell you to do" she said confronting her. "Your brother wanted to talk to your boyfriend's mom-"

"He isn't my boyfriend anymore" Enola spoke with pride

"Miss Holmes, you must understand your brother is doing everything in his power" she then spoke

"Tell him that I don't want to see Tewkesbury's face ever again, and tell him to stay out of this. He has too much in his plate" Enola gave a tiny smile

"I will keep that noted madam" the secretary smiled back

Enola waited for Sherlock's Secretary to leave. Then she walked back to her bedchamber and turned her phone on when an unfamiliar number texted her

 Then she walked back to her bedchamber and turned her phone on when an unfamiliar number texted her

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Enola just stared at it blankly like she saw a ghost eating a salad. She didn't text back, instead she got ready for bed and did her skincare to keep her distracted but it she couldn't get her mind of the text that was sent for her. She opened her phone and read the text for twenty more times and gave more thought to it. Just then she lost her mind. She washed her face and quickly dried it and ran to the stairs to open the front door of the house. Then she saw him standing outside of the gate with one of Enola's bodyguards holding him back. He wanted to run up to her, hold her, and explain. "Enola please hear me out" he yelled. "Isn't it night time Tewkesbury? Shouldn't you be at home playing billiards with your uncle" Enola spoke coldly with a blank expression. "Enola please let me speak, let me talk to you" Tewksbury begged. "Not now love or you might wake the neighbours up, but since you want to talk to me I might as well tell you that I had enough of your bullshit and our relationship so consider it all over" Enola smiled hiding her pain. Tewksbury fell in shock not knowing what to say, he didn't blame her for acting like this. He knew her so well that he did this even though she will reject him, but still he didn't care and tried. "You don't understand" Tewksbury choked words out. "pffttt oh I do, in fact I do see it. Crystal clear." Enola protested to him almost yelling. "No, you don't. You don't know how it feels in my place" he yelled angrily. She stared at him and laughed then she was screaming "I may not know what kinds of problems surround you Tewksbury, I really don't. But you never thought of me. How hard this situation you are putting me in, and you have no idea how much I tried to fix things I assure you, but from now on I want to never see you again ever. She yelled hard.

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