we can't be friends 5

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The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as Enola stirred from her sleep. Tewkesbury was already awake, watching her with a soft smile.

"Good morning," he said, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"Good morning," Enola replied, smiling back. "Did you sleep well?"

"Very well," he said, stretching his arms. "I was just thinking about all we have to do today. The ball is approaching quickly."

Enola nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "Yes, there's so much to prepare. But I'm looking forward to it."

They dressed and made their way to the breakfast room, where the rest of the Bridgerton family was already gathered. The table was laden with an array of delicious foods, and Enola's mouth watered at the sight.

"Good morning, everyone," Tewkesbury greeted as they took their seats.

"Good morning," the Bridgertons replied in unison.

As they ate, the conversation buzzed with plans for the ball. Eloise and Francesca discussed the guest list, while Gregory and Collin debated the best layout for the ballroom. Enola listened, feeling a sense of belonging in this lively family.

After breakfast, the preparations resumed. Enola and Tewkesbury spent the day finalizing details, from approving the menu to overseeing the decorations. They worked tirelessly, but with each task completed, Enola felt a growing sense of accomplishment.

By evening, the estate was transformed into a vision of elegance. The ballroom shimmered with crystal chandeliers, and the gardens were adorned with twinkling lights. Enola stood beside Tewkesbury, surveying their work with pride.

"It looks incredible," she said, turning to him. "We did it."

Tewkesbury smiled, taking her hand. "We did. And I couldn't have done it without you."

The next morning, Enola woke to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden light over the room. She stretched, feeling both excited and a little anxious about the day ahead. Today was the day of the ball.

Tewkesbury was already awake, sitting by the window with a cup of tea. He turned to her with a warm smile. "Good morning, Enola. Are you ready for our big day?"

"Good morning," Enola replied, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "I think so. It's a bit overwhelming, but I know we'll make it a success."

Tewkesbury walked over and handed her a cup of tea. "We will. And remember, we're in this together."

They spent the morning finalizing the last-minute details. Enola was grateful for the support of the Bridgerton family. Eloise and Francesca helped her choose the perfect gown for the evening, a stunning creation of silk and lace. Gregory and Collin ensured that the decorations were just right, and the rest of the family pitched in wherever needed.

As the day progressed, the estate buzzed with activity. Servants rushed about, arranging flowers, setting tables, and making sure everything was perfect. Enola and Tewkesbury oversaw it all, their excitement growing with each passing hour.

By late afternoon, Enola retreated to her bedchamber to prepare. Her maids helped her into her gown, the soft fabric hugging her figure and flowing elegantly to the floor. They styled her hair into an intricate updo, adorned with delicate pearls. As Enola looked at herself in the mirror, she felt a mixture of nervousness and pride.

"You're going to be the most beautiful woman at the ball," one of the maids said, smiling warmly.

"Thank you," Enola replied, taking a deep breath. "I just hope everything goes smoothly."

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