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A lil info abt this one shot 

- Enola and Tewks are not so close in this story but maybe they will 

- This story takes place in modern times 

that's all ig? enjoy!


Tewksbury and Enola, yes them. 

Tewksbury is the captain of his school's very own soccer team, he is a bully and an honor student. While Ms. Holmes is obvi the Cheer captain in their School, Enola is a really a person with a lot of love in her heart she would always protect the person she loves. Everyone even wanted to nominate her as President of the Campus. I know what ur thinking? "is she at least friends with tewksbury" well I think we all know the answer to that. Enola despises Tewksbury She didn't like him really much. Tewksbury plays a lot of pranks to some of the school's newcomers, when he doesn't like someone he will most likely bully someone until the person actually leaves the school.

It was a sunny morning at school when Enola decided to go early for  practice with her team for cheer dance since there was an upcoming soccer game. Well that's what she thought, Enola woke up at 2pm in the afternoon. Enola woke up late since she did some school work at 4am in the morning 

Enola panicked and made her way to the bathroom she rushed herself because she was really really late for practice, she was lucky since school was only 6 blocks away. She ran to school, she  reached the field when she bumped into someone.

"SHIT" tewksbury screamed 

"aghhhh watch it" enola said on a grumpy tone 

"what were you thinking" tewksbury shouted 

"What was I thinking? I WAS THINKING ABOUT PRACTICE" she shouted 


Tewksbury's friends pulled him away from Enola 

"bro it's not worth it" one of his friends whispered 

Tewksbury scoffed and went back to their places, at the other hand enola ran to the other side of the field to lead the cheer dancers 


Time check 5:00 pm 

Enola went to her locker to get something when she closed the locker she saw someone she didn't want to see for the rest of the day.

"what are you doing here" she asked

"checking on you" he said 

"and why are you checking up on me" she rolled her eyes

"because I want to" he confidently gave an answer 

"but what if I don't want you too look at me" she scoffed

"If you can stop me that is" he smirked 

Tewksbury quickly grabbed the stuff she was holding which was her books, water bottle, and her diary.

Tewksbury was tall so Enola couldn't really reach her things.

"give me back my stuff" she said 

"then catch me" he laughed 

Both Enola and Tewksbury started to chase each other when they bumped into someone.

Someone they really didn't want to see.

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