we can't be friends

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in honor of s3 bridgerton coming out here is an enola holmes x bridgerton one shot

Enola stormed into her father's study, her eyes blazing with indignation. "Father, this is preposterous!" she declared, her voice echoing off the walls of the ornate room.

Lord Yachington glanced up from his papers, his expression calm but firm. "Enola, please, lower your voice," he said, gesturing for her to take a seat.Enola ignored the gesture, her anger palpable. "You want me to marry someone I've never met, to be an unknown person in a marriage? I won't stand for it!"Lord Yachington sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Enola, it's not as simple as that. There are reasons—"But Enola cut him off, her frustration boiling over. "Reasons? What reasons could possibly justify this madness?"Her father's gaze softened, and he rose from his seat, crossing the room to stand before her. "Enola, listen to me. The world is changing, and there are dangers lurking in every corner. I cannot bear the thought of something happening to you."Enola's anger faltered, replaced by a surge of fear. She knew her father spoke the truth, but that didn't make the prospect of an arranged marriage any less terrifying."Father," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I... I'm afraid."Lord Yachington reached out and took her hand, his grip reassuring. "I know, my dear. But trust me when I say that this is for the best. You will be safe, and that is all that matters."Enola looked into her father's eyes, seeing the love and concern reflected there. With a heavy heart, she nodded reluctantly, knowing that she had no choice but to comply with his wishes."Very well," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll do it. But I won't pretend to be happy about it."As she left her father's study, Enola couldn't shake the feeling of anger and resentment that lingered in her heart. But deep down, she also knew that her father was only trying to protect her, even if it meant sacrificing her happiness in the process.Enola stormed into her chambers, her mind swirling with a torrent of emotions. She slammed the door shut behind her, the sound reverberating through the room, and collapsed onto her bed.Utterly confused and overwhelmed, she buried her face in her hands, trying to make sense of her father's decision. Why had he insisted on sending her away to marry a stranger? And why was she expected to comply without question?But try as she might, Enola couldn't process the information. It was as if her thoughts were trapped in a dense fog, unable to find clarity amidst the chaos.Hours passed as Enola remained holed up in her room, lost in a haze of uncertainty and fear. She had always prided herself on her ability to think rationally and act decisively, but now she felt powerless, adrift in a sea of confusion.As night fell and the shadows lengthened, a sense of resignation washed over Enola. She knew that she couldn't hide in her room forever, that eventually, she would have to face the reality of her situation.Enola's heart pounded in her chest as she rode in the carriage towards London, her father seated beside her. The streets blurred past outside the window, but her mind was consumed with thoughts of the unknown future that awaited her.She stole glances at her father, his face set in a stern expression that betrayed none of the turmoil raging within. She knew he accompanied her not out of concern for her well-being, but to ensure she didn't defy his wishes once more.The journey seemed to stretch on endlessly, each passing mile bringing her closer to her fate. Enola felt a sense of suffocation closing in around her, as if the weight of her father's expectations bore down upon her shoulders.As they finally arrived in London, Enola's anxiety reached a fever pitch. She stepped out of the carriage into a bustling city alive with activity, but all she could focus on was the impending marriage that awaited her.Her father's hand on her arm brought her back to reality, grounding her in the present moment. "Enola, my dear, remember why we're doing this," he said softly, his eyes searching hers for reassurance.Enola nodded, though her heart still rebelled against the idea. She had no choice but to obey her father's wishes, no matter how much it tore her apart inside.With a heavy heart, she followed her father into the grand mansion where her future husband awaited. As the doors closed behind her, sealing her fate, Enola couldn't help but wonder what kind of life awaited her beyond those walls. But one thing was certain – no matter what trials lay ahead, she would face them with the same fiery spirit that had always defined her.

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