one of the girls 4

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Enola's pov at the night of their break up

Enola's footsteps echo with a solemn cadence as she ascends the stairs to her room on the second floor, her heart heavy with the weight of the decision she has made. Each step feels like a journey unto itself, a solitary pilgrimage into the depths of her own sorrow and regret.

As she reaches the sanctuary of her room, the walls seem to close in around her, suffused with the weight of memories and echoes of laughter that now ring hollow in the silence. The air is heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unfinished conversations, a haunting reminder of the love and friendship that once flourished between her and Tewkesbury.

With trembling hands, Enola closes the door behind her, shutting out the world and retreating into the solitude of her own grief. The tears that she had held back in Tewkesbury's presence now flow freely, cascading down her cheeks like silent rivers of sorrow, each drop a testament to the pain of letting go.

In the stillness of her room, Enola's emotions surge like a tempest, raging against the confines of her heart with an intensity that threatens to consume her whole. She mourns not only the loss of love but also the fracture of friendship, the unraveling of the bonds that once held them together in unity and trust.

Enola's emotions swell like a tempest, roiling within her with an intensity that threatens to engulf her in its tumultuous embrace. In the sanctuary of her room, the walls bear witness to her anguish, absorbing the echoes of her cries and the fury of her despair.

With each passing moment, Enola's turmoil mounts, a torrent of emotions unleashed with a force that defies containment. Her tears flow unchecked, mingling with the echoes of her sobs as she grapples with the weight of her own anguish.

In the throes of her meltdown, Enola's thoughts spiral into the depths of despair, consumed by a maelstrom of grief and frustration that threatens to consume her whole. The world around her blurs into insignificance, eclipsed by the overwhelming magnitude of her own pain.

With trembling hands and a voice choked with emotion, Enola's cries pierce the silence of the night, a haunting lament that echoes the depths of her sorrow. Each word is a dagger to the heart, a testament to the depths of her despair and the anguish of her loss.

In the depths of her despair, Enola's tantrum becomes a symphony of raw emotion—a primal scream of defiance against the cruelty of fate and the capriciousness of the human heart. In that moment of vulnerability, she confronts the shadows that lurk within her soul, grappling with the demons that threaten to consume her from within.

Enola's tumultuous emotions manifest in a flurry of chaos within her room, the sound of shattering glass and splintering wood echoing like thunder in the silence of the night. Her fury knows no bounds as she unleashes her pent-up anguish upon the fragile trappings of her sanctuary, the room bearing witness to the tempest raging within her soul.

Outside the confines of her room, the sound of breaking objects stirs concern among the household staff. With a sense of trepidation, her maids hasten to investigate, their footsteps echoing softly in the hallway as they approach Enola's door.

To their dismay, they find the door locked, its sturdy frame standing as a barrier between them and the turmoil unfolding within. Panic gnaws at the edges of their composure as they realize the gravity of the situation, their concern for Enola's well-being eclipsing all other considerations.

With gentle urgency, they call out to Enola, their voices tinged with a mixture of apprehension and compassion. They plead for her to unlock the door, their words a whispered prayer against the silence that threatens to engulf them.

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