we can't be friends 4

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tw: smut

The next morning, Enola awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains. She turned to find Tewkesbury still asleep, his face peaceful and his breathing steady. She smiled softly, relieved that he seemed to be resting well.

Carefully, she slipped out of bed, not wanting to disturb him. She washed and dressed quietly, her thoughts a mix of the previous night's events and the day ahead. Their wedding had been a whirlwind, and today, they would begin their new life together.

As she was finishing getting ready, she heard a groan from the bed. Tewkesbury was stirring, his hand coming up to shield his eyes from the light.

"Good morning," Enola greeted softly, approaching the bed with a gentle smile.

Tewkesbury blinked up at her, his eyes squinting against the brightness. "Morning," he croaked, his voice rough from sleep—and likely the effects of too much wine.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, sitting down beside him.

He groaned again, sitting up slowly and rubbing his temples. "Like I was hit by a carriage," he admitted with a rueful smile. "I'm sorry about last night."

Enola shook her head, her smile reassuring. "It's all right. You weren't yourself. Do you remember much?"

Tewkesbury winced, rubbing the back of his neck. "Bits and pieces," he said. "I remember you taking care of me. Thank you, Enola."

She reached out and took his hand in hers. "We're in this together, remember? How about we get you some breakfast and some tea? That should help."

Tewkesbury nodded gratefully. "That sounds perfect."

They made their way downstairs to the dining room, where a breakfast spread had been laid out. Enola helped Tewkesbury to his seat, making sure he had everything he needed. As he sipped his tea and nibbled on toast, he began to look more like himself.

After they had eaten, Tewkesbury turned to her, his expression earnest. "Enola, about last night... I want to make it up to you. I want our marriage to start off right."

Enola smiled warmly. "Tewkesbury, last night wasn't perfect, but it showed me how much you care. That's what matters most. We'll have plenty of time to create perfect moments together."

He reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Thank you for understanding. I promise to be a better husband to you."

"You already are," she replied, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

After they finished their breakfast, Enola and Tewkesbury lingered at the table, enjoying the quiet moments together. Enola poured herself another cup of tea, her mind drifting as she took in the events of the past few days. The reality of being Mrs. Bridgerton was slowly sinking in, and it felt both exhilarating and overwhelming.

As the servants moved around, tidying up and addressing them with formal titles, Enola noticed that they now referred to her as "Mrs. Bridgerton." Each time she heard it, her heart skipped a beat, and she felt a strange mixture of pride and anxiety.

"Mrs. Bridgerton, would you like more tea?" one of the maids asked.

Enola nodded, her voice catching slightly as she replied, "Yes, please."

Tewkesbury, observing her reaction, chuckled softly. "You seem a bit overwhelmed by the new title," he remarked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Enola turned to him, her cheeks flushing slightly. "It's just... strange," she admitted. "I've been Enola all my life, and now suddenly, I'm Mrs. Bridgerton. It feels like such a big change."

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