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After getting married for almost year Tewksbury couldn't understand what was wrong with himself, or his surroundings. He couldn't understand anything or anyone, as much as he would like to throw hands, kick chairs, break glasses, and run into a forest and stay there for a couple of weeks. Instead he remained calm, But if a person couldn't understand sometimes it would cause an argument or a misunderstanding, right? Tewks decided to keep things low since he and his wife had a really big image on public. If he were to make the most slightest mistake it would be in newspapers for weeks, which he didn't want to happen since it would cause a lot of gossip. Everywhere.

After marrying the enola holmes, sure they had a wonderful honeymoon on an island near London. I think it was obvi that they quite enjoyed themselves and spent their honeymoon well since after their honeymoon they would be most busy with their complicated schedule. Being a Lord, and a husband to Enola Holmes was a complicated duty to tewks himself, whenever he would come back home he would usually wait for enola to get home at 2 or 3 am since being a detective was a really active job he couldn't possibly make an argument about it. He would sometimes leave the door open so when he sees the glimpse of his wife, he would be able to take a nap.

During their early marriage they would always make time for "them" Tewksbury would most likely surprise Enola with bike rides, picnics, watch sunsets, rent a paddle boat, and make dinner for the both of them, after a few weeks he and his wife has been buried by thousands of activities by work. Ever since they couldn't keep up with each other, Tewksbury would most likely pass out on the kitchen table after this meetings everyday. I mean who wouldn't get hungry after sitting down talking to people for the whole day? After work, the chance of Tewksbury resting on a bed was a 0%. 

Enola in the other hand needed to be most active to solve her cases, she had her mind open to a lot of possibilities. She would sometimes be awake at 3am in the morning to catch a culprit or find clues on her latest case. Sometimes she would even refuse to get home and take rest. At this point no one can tame her since she has her own mind, no one can teach her anything for the reason that she wanted things done "her way" 

Enough flashbacks, Now. Tewkesbury finally managed to fix his schedule and make time for his wife, His wife on the other hand couldn't spare him a glance or an "i love you". This made him heartbroken.

"Enola! I was thinking we should-" he spoke

"Another time? I have to take this call" she brushed off .

"it's always another time" he said softly

"thank you so much for this information it would really help me with this case" she smiled at the phone.

"Enola can you please give me 10 seconds of your time?" he begged 

"I'd give you my days if I could" she whispered 

"okay so-" he spoke

"wait my cab is here i'll be back for you" she said giving him a kiss on the cheek 

"stupid cabs" he whispered to himself 

At this point he couldn't understand anything anymore, He sat down and placed his right hand massaging his head. Until.....

There was a knock on the door.

"come in" he yelled 

"it's locked" a lil british girl spoke

"aghhhh" he huffed as he headed out to open the door

"bessie?" he asked 

"it is me so don't be confused" bessie laughed 

"it is good of you to come visit basilweather" he smiled

"i am honored" she smiled back 

"take a seat" tewksbury said 

"thank you so much" bessie said as she sat on a chair next to tewksbury

"how are you" bessie smiled at the young lord

"fine and not so fine" he smiled after he spoke those words

"you should be sure" she said in a serious tone

"everything is not sure" he spoke

"you're lying and gaslighting yourself so stop that" she said with a voice

"how are things with enola?" the girl asked

"she's okay, but i am not. I fear I'll never be okay" he said with a cracking voice

"she's busy, stop being a helicopter around her" bessie laughed 

"helicopter?" tewksbury asked 

"a whirling helicopter that doesn't give her space" bessie nodded 

"do you think i am a whirling helicopter?" he asked the girl another question 

Bessie saw that he was hurt and it would be a shame to take back what she said so instead of helping she was creating a monster who would cry outside the walls of basilweather garden.

"ummmmm.... yeahh?" she said almost questioning herself

"wellllllll i best be going right now" she said while fixing her dress as she left the guest room where tewksbury was.

After 2 hours Enola finally came back to basilweather to see her husband, as she stepped out of the cab, she busted the doors open and saw a tiny lord running to her.

"enola" he whispered to her ear

"my love" she whispered back

" i am sooo sorry for being a helicopter" he said crying to her arms

"stop crying my lord it does not suit you, and get ready since we shouldn't be late for our dinner reservation" she smiled while hitting his head

"i promise to make up for everything"  she smiled to him.


hiii here is a chapter for my fav delulu people!! i hope ur day goes fine <3

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