my dear, dear lord

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- this story takes place when Enola chose to stay away from Tewksbury. Both humans never saw each other until.

 Both humans never saw each other until

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February 12 1889

It was February the month of love. It was 9 am in the morning when ms.enola holmes finally got the motivation to get out of bed after 500 years well 3 months to be exact. three months ago enola decided to stay away from Tewksbury not because she hates him it was because she didn't want to harm Tewksbury, she realised that she didn't want to hurt him so she decided to stay away from the love of her life. Enola got out of bed, made her self some tea and pancakes she sat down and got a newspaper and read it, Enola wanted to read the newspaper to see if she got any messages from her mother or issues that needed to be solved but instead the newspaper was filled with lovey dovey things well mostly poems, stories etc. After reading a few pages of the newspaper Enola couldn't help but cry she realised that she hurted herself too much she affected herself a lot and not only did she emotionally hurt herself she also got hurt mentally and spiritually but what she did regret was breaking the heart of the person she loves the most.

It was 12 pm. It was time to eat lunch but instead of eating Enola cleaned her entire surroundings, she dusted some of her dusty shelves and well everything. Enola didn't want to go outside because a lot of couples go for walks and Enola is really bitter about it, she took her strength and went to her mail box there inside it there was a letter. She ran back as fast as she could to avoid all the lovey dovey people and shut the door. After she did what she needed to do she opened the letter

The letter:
I will always miss you and I never regret loving you. You took some pieces of my whole being and I always feel like something is missing- I am incomplete without you here. I want to run after you, I want to chase you, I want to beg for you to comeback... and I would love to think that maybe, just maybe, you still want me like the first time.
Enola was happy after while reading the letter but then she realised that the letter didn't have her name on it nor the person to gave the letter to her.
she then realised that maybe the letter wasn't mean't for her or someone accidentally put the letter in her mailbox but the real question was how? when? where? and who?
she checked some of the letters she got from some friends and family and tried to match them but she couldn't cause it was printed. Enola was disappointed so she just kept the letter.

It is now 10 pm in the evening it Enola didn't want to go to bed cause she was busy overthinking why that letter appeared on her mailbox. A lot of thought kept on running through her head "maybe someone accidentally put that letter on my mailbox, maybe it was just a mix up" Enola just laughed at herself but laughing didn't help her she tried her best not to think about him but she couldn't help but cry.

February 13 1889
The day is almost upon us and that day was called Valentine's Day, Enola woke up with a bang on her head, her head was hurting a lot. She couldn't walk properly so she sat on her bed and peaked at the window and saw a lot of couples walking "ughhh" Enola cried but a few seconds later a delivery boy came up to her door and dropped a letter on her mailbox. Enola wanted to run but her head was hurting too much and she couldn't walk properly she sighed and went back to bed. crying. again.

Hours passed Enola Managed to walk to the fronted her house to get to the mailbox it was a letter. Enola was really feeling fishy she took out the letter and read it

the letter:
I was killing me to give us life
I was drowning to save the person
who kept pushing my head under water
"Wow" Enola exhaled
the again the person who gave the letter was still anonymous. But Enola knows for a fact that the letter was given to her on purpose. Enola took some time to process the letter she kept on reading and reading it again then again no one knows that's she and tewksbury separated, and that fact stabbed her on the back. She was confused she knew that the person who sent the letter definitely knows about the the "separation" but who?
Enola put some more thought to it but then she realised that this letter might be a letter from a person who wants to draw her out or the person
( we all know who that person is 💪🏻 )

She stood up and stared at the distance seeing a person with a black hood dropping a letter infront of her door. She was scared but she was Enola Holmes, A brave woman and she would never be afraid of a Man with a black hood

She stood up and ran to her door, she picked up the letter but the figure with black hood was no longer their "aghhh" she screamed with anger. She went inside and read the letter but this time It was a lil more different than the others.

Meet me on The place where it all happened  4:38 be there at 5:45 am sunrise.
Enola thought to herself "what is 4:38" she muttered after finally figuring it out it was the exact time he broke the lord's heart.

Enola changed her clothing and took a fluffy jacket and made her way to Basilwether, It was a 4 hour drive so she hailed a cab and sat there all the way to Basilwether. She refused to sleep she didn't want to rest until she finds out the anonymous person sending her letters.

time check: 5:30
The girl finally arrived at Basilwether but then she made her way to the place, the place where it all happened. Basilwether's garden. She didn't want to enter that place anymore because of the "incident" but she had no choice. She ran to the garden but to find a
person standing.

A boy. The boy. Her love.

"Tewksbury" she said softly

"Enola" he replied

"Do you still love me" he asked getting straight to the point

Enola knew the answer to his question but she was too scared

"Enola answer the question before I hurt myself" Tewksbury cried

She took a step forward to him and she said and held his hand

" I love you. I love you unconditionally. I loved you even in my ignorance. I love you when I didn't even know. I just love you my dear, dear lord" she replied with tears

He took her hand and held it tight then he replied

" I have never loved anyone else as I love you." He spoke like he was confessing " I can't put into words these are none that come close to expressing how I feel"

A tear came out of Tewksbury and it landed on her cheek.

Both made eye contact.

He then placed his hands on her waist and cupped her face. He pulled her for a kiss. A kiss that mean't their true love for each other.

Both lovers spend Valentine's Day on Basilwether's Garden, Both enjoyed the sunrise after their kiss

And the most important parts was. They were finally reunited by their love.

Well hello people here is the first chapter for your new holmesbury one shots book! Don't forget to vote ily!

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