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note from author: happy new year besties wishing you guys the best, sending you all my love

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note from author: happy new year besties wishing you guys the best, sending you all my love

Today was the day, Enola was on her way to visit Tewksbury on Basilwether since Tewksbury was too busy with Lord stuff so she decided to go instead. She jumped off the cab and she ran to the doors of Basilwether when a nanny took her bag, just when she was about to look for him. Tewk's Mum appeared out of no where

"You must be Enola" she asked

"Indeed I am" Enola then replied

"Lady Tewksbury, mother of your lover" she smiled to her

"Lovely meeting you" Enola smiled back to her

"Would you like to come with me for tea? Tewksbury and I are having lunch in a bit" she asked

"I would be delighted" Enola laughed

"Speaking of Tewksbury, may I know where he is right now" Enola asked

"I am not really sure, but I think he is at the garden. But don't you worry I just called a nanny to call him" lady Tewksbury smiled

enola and lady tewksbury took a seat and had tea, enola found the situation awkward so she tried to avoid eye contact.

"enola" the mother of her lover spoke

"yes?" she replied

"how did you and my son meet?" she asked 

"we fell of a train" enola laughed

"i'm happy that he is in love with a girl like you" she smiled to her 

"and i am happy to be in love with a man like your son" enola smiled back

"you should know that you raised a real gentleman"  enola added 

"tewksbury is one of a kind just like you" she said 

"thank you" enola thanked her.

"no enola i think I should be thanking you, because i saw how happy my son is with you" lady tewksbury replied

"it's nothing really, i'm just happy to be with him" enola chuckled 

"my love" tewksbury said walking towards the tea party 

"tewksbury" enola blushed 

"hi mom" he said giving his mother a kiss on her cheek 

"enola" he smiled while hugging her from her back

"what are you guys talking about" he asked while resting his face on enola's shoulder 

"you" enola and lady tewksbury said together

"so you guys were talking about me?" he said while keeping eye contact with enola 

"uhh.. erm.. i think i need to go now because being a third wheel isn't really my thing" lady tewksbury laughed 

"we love you" they both yelled to lady tewksbury

"i love you both" she yelled to the couple 



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