do i wanna know?

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In the annals of academic lore, few rivalries burn as bright as that between Enola and Tewkesbury. From their humble beginnings in 1st grade, they harbored a mutual disdain that simmered and boiled with each passing year.

Enola, with her sharp wit and keen intellect, clashed with Tewkesbury, whose stubbornness matched his towering stature. Their animosity was legendary, whispered in the corridors and classrooms of their school.

It began with petty squabbles over crayons and spilled milk, but as they grew, so did the depth of their enmity. Each debate, each disagreement, was a battle waged on the battleground of academia.

Their differences were stark: Enola, the studious scholar, excelled in every subject, her essays polished gems of erudition. Tewkesbury, on the other hand, relied more on brawn than brains, his answers often brash and lacking finesse.

Their teachers watched with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, as Enola and Tewkesbury sparred in debates, vied for top marks, and sought to outdo one another at every turn.

Yet, beneath the veneer of rivalry, there lurked a grudging respect. For in their shared disdain, Enola and Tewkesbury found a kind of kinship, a recognition of each other's tenacity and unwavering commitment to their beliefs.

As the years passed, their feud mellowed into a sort of détente, an acknowledgment that perhaps, in their differences, lay the seeds of understanding. And though they may never be friends, Enola and Tewkesbury would always be bound together by the tangled web of their academic rivalry.

As the final days of senior high dwindled, Enola and Tewkesbury found themselves locked in a relentless struggle for academic supremacy, their rivalry reaching a fever pitch.

The pressure mounted as they poured every ounce of their being into their studies, sacrificing sleep, social lives, and even sanity in pursuit of their lofty goals. Each exam became a battleground, each assignment a test of endurance, as they fought tooth and nail to outshine one another.

On the eve of their final exams, as tension hung thick in the air like a heavy fog, fate intervened in the most unexpected of ways. Enola and Tewkesbury found themselves standing side by side, waiting for the elevator that would carry them to their respective classrooms

As the doors slid open with a soft hiss, they stepped inside, the silence between them heavy with the weight of years of rivalry and resentment. The air crackled with anticipation, each moment pregnant with the possibility of confrontation.

But as the elevator began its ascent, a strange sense of calm descended upon them. The confines of the metal box seemed to shrink, cocooning them in a bubble of solitude amidst the chaos of their final day.

"I hate you, I hope you know that" Enola spoke with pride

"Is that what you tell yourself every morning" he laughed off

"Hilarious, in fact, it's so funny I might as well just take the stairs so I can replay the joke more longer" she mumbled

"You know you have to press it first to right?" He questioned her

"I'm pressing it" Enola spoke almost yelling while pressing buttons on the elevator to exit as soon as possible. She wasn't in the mood to deal with Tewkesbury's fine attitude

"I'm pressing it" she smiles to him calmly like a really fake smile face

"How is that supposed to work?" He asks another question

"Since you are so smart, why don't you try to press these damn buttons cause they aren't really in the mood to work right now" she said with a grumpy tone

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