one of the girls

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"Enola, all he does is give you tough love, this love isn't even love. It's an obsession" He protested 

"Obsession? He is like drugs" she yelled angrily 

"then only one thing can save you" he spoke

She's an it girl, school campus crush, rich, and she is everything. Enola Holmes is one of the most popular girls on London. She is basically a celebrity. Everyone in school adored her for having a heart warming smile, she was also known for being humble due to her charity works. She lives in her very own mansion where she is accompanied by ten maids and 5 bodyguards, She also lived alone due to Sherlock going to different places in the world to solve cases. Yes, Sherlock only comes like twice a week to stay at least a day to rest drink wine and sleep. Back to the topic not only is she pretty she was dating James Tewkesbury, he was born rich and a model for several luxury brands in the world, you could really say that they are perfect together. They started dating each other around two years ago after filming a short movie directed by Tewks' parents. With their chemistry on set they created a bond together. After the movie was released Enola begged her parents to go on the same school with Tewkesbury.

"Enola are you sure about this decision, you do understand that you are leaving on the half point of this quarter" Sherlock asked to be sure his ears were functioning.

"What's the worse that could happen anyways" enola smiled giving an approval

After that convo Enola moved schools just to be with Tewkesbury. Now enough of the past let us now begin this story shall we?

The library is a serene space filled with rows of bookshelves, softly lit by the gentle glow filtering through the tall windows. Enola Holmes was sitting down a chair near the library window reading a book. Tewkesbury in the other hand was walking around the campus hallway finding his lover. It wasn't long that he got annoyed, he picked his phone from his pocket and decided to video call Enola.

Enola's phone wasn't on silent mode so her phone started to ring loudly in the library. Her face went really red when she realized loud noises weren't allowed in the library which caused her to panic. A librarian was about to scold her but the librarian didn't dare to give Enola Holmes a big talk, so instead she smiled and told enola if she could kindly turn down her phone.

"I'm so so so sorry" enola gave a pleasing smile as she exit the library and gave her phone a glance. It was tewkesbury calling her. She gladly answered the call.

"My love, what took you sooo long to answer my call" Tewks gave a pouty smile

"You have no idea how much your video call got me in trouble" she chuckled 

"where are you right now? school isn't starting yet and you weren't inside our classroom. I thought you were absent today" he said with a worried tone

"I am here outside of the library door, and if i was wasn't around today I would have told you earlier yesterday" She spoke

After a few minutes later Tewkesbury arrived in front of the library and hugged her so tight.  Ofc she hugged him back. "I've missed you" he whispered. "You literally drove me home yesterday night so which means the last time you saw me was 9 hours ago" she said with disbelief 

"oh shut up and let me express myself enola" he said with a whiney tone. The school bell suddenly rung and that means they only had 5 minutes left to go back inside their classrooms. "I hate to be the one stopping this moment but we have to get to class if you don't want to spend your saturday on detention" she laughed. "I am James Tewkesbury and you can't give me detention" he spoke proudly. "Ugh let's just go now" she said dragging him to their classroom.

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