one of the girls 2

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"you are joking right, this has to be some mistake" Enola tried to laugh it off

"Miss Enola this was given by direct orders by your very own boyfriend" Officer Miller spoke

"I want proof" Enola protested

Officer Miller took out his phone and showed his conversation with Tewksbury

Officer Miller took out his phone and showed his conversation with Tewksbury

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Enola's heart sank as she saw the conversation. Enola felt like she got stung by a bee and she can no longer move.

"Thank you officer miller, I shall send you gifts tomorrow" Enola smiled

"Happy i could help" officer miller spoke

Enola walked to her car and held her fist real tight as she was about to punch her very own car but her bodyguard managed to calm her down and convince her that she should sit down and let him drive the car.

A moment later Enola arrived at her house when a group of maids were there to greet her weird. Enola then smiled to greet them even tho she was 99% close to have a huge tantrum. Instead she stopped herself and used self control take over her. She sat on the edge of her bed and reflected why he could have been mad at her. She then thought of Tewksbury's friend Gabriel. She took her phone and decided to find Gabriel's insta account so she could chat him....... On the middle of the night....

Gab then explained that Tewksbury was working with a girl, but he doesn't have enough details to add except that they look very close

Enola just stared gab's reply with no reaction, she then thanked gab and offered him to have coffee with her the next time which Gab agreed to, she needed to vent to someone so badly. Enola sat on the edge of her bed and decided to power off her phone before going to sleep. She offed her lamp and did her skincare just when she was about to take a nap there was a knock on the door. Enola whined what now
she she thought. "Get in" she spoke. "Ms Holmes" her secretary Lina spoke. "What is the matter now" she asked with an annoying tone.

"Ms Holmes there were pictures leaked online, pictures of you sitting inside of your car in front of your boyfriend's house" her secretary spoke slowly in order to let the words sink in

"The worst part is there are now rumours spreading that you and Tewkesbury broke up and that you begged him to stay and you showed up to his house in pajamas" she added

"That is gossip lina" Enola gushed

" miss holmes, what do you want us to do" her secretary asked her

"Leave it alone" Enola simply blurted out

"Ms Holmes you have a reputation we must protect, we cannot abandon you and this issue" Lina protested

"Do what you must, but please don't make up false things on what happened that night, the truth will always come out. For now I have to sleep" Enola spoke

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