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"so you do like me?"

"it's complicated, can we talk about it later"

"no, i want to be with you but i can't be with you if you don't want to be with me"

"it's complicated"

"stop saying that, yes or no? do you want to be with me?"

"i feel so....."

Enola, Tanya, and Iris were enjoying a feast at an all-you-can-eat restaurant, relishing every bite and exchanging laughter. Plates piled high with delicious treats adorned their table as they savored the moment of indulgence.As the trio indulged, Tanya and Iris decided to grab more food, leaving Enola momentarily alone. It was then that a brunette man approached her, his gaze fixed on her with a sense of recognition. Enola's brow furrowed in confusion as she tried to place where she might have seen him before."I'm sorry, do I know you?" Enola asked tentatively.The man flashed a friendly smile. "You look incredibly familiar. Have we met before?"Enola shook her head, still perplexed. Unsure of how to respond, she decided to divert the conversation. "Well, maybe we have a mutual friend or something. Here, why don't you add me on Instagram? We can chat there."She quickly shared her Instagram handle with him, and with a nod of thanks, the man swiftly departed, leaving Enola pondering the encounter. As she rejoined her friends at the table, she couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity about the mysterious encounter. Who was he, and why did he seem so familiar? It was a question that lingered in her mind as they continued to enjoy their meal together.After a long and satisfying evening, Enola finally returned home, ready to unwind and rest. However, just as she was about to drift off to sleep, her phone lit up with a notification. Bleary-eyed, she checked her Instagram messages to find a text from the mysterious brunette man she had met earlier at the restaurant.Curiosity piqued, Enola followed him back on Instagram, and before she knew it, they were engaged in a late-night conversation. The man introduced himself as Tewkesbury, his messages charming and engaging. Yet, despite his handsome appearance, Enola couldn't shake the feeling of unease.As they conversed, Enola couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort. It wasn't that Tewkesbury was unpleasant—he was quite the opposite. But something didn't sit right with her. Perhaps it was the fact that she harbored feelings for someone else—her longtime friend Carlo, whom she had known since kindergarten.Enola found herself torn between politeness and her own emotions. She continued the conversation with Tewkesbury, albeit with a growing sense of unease. As the clock struck midnight, she finally bid him goodnight, but the turmoil in her heart lingered.With her mind still reeling from the unexpected interaction, Enola tossed and turned in bed, grappling with her feelings and the complexities of human connection. Despite Tewkesbury's charm, her heart belonged to another, leaving her feeling conflicted and unsure of how to proceed.

Feeling increasingly overwhelmed by Tewkesbury's persistent messages, Enola struggled to find a way to gently communicate her disinterest. As days turned into weeks, the constant notifications became tiresome, and she found herself longing for a way to subtly convey her feelings.One day, as she scrolled through her phone, she stumbled upon a cherished photo of her and Carlo. It was a snapshot of a happy moment shared between friends, a reminder of the bond they had formed over the years. In a moment of inspiration, Enola decided to share the photo on her Instagram, accompanied by a single heart emoji—a silent declaration of her affection for Carlo.Unbeknownst to Tewkesbury, the post served as a subtle signal, a gentle nudge for him to understand that Enola's heart belonged elsewhere. As the likes and comments poured in, Enola hoped that he would take the hint and respect her boundaries.In the days that followed, the frequency of Tewkesbury's messages gradually dwindled, until eventually, they ceased altogether. With a sense of relief, Enola could finally breathe easy, grateful to have found a way to navigate the delicate intricacies of human interaction without causing any undue harm.
Enola's life seemed to be flourishing in every aspect. Her academic grades were soaring, her friendships were thriving, and she found herself immersed in moments of joy and laughter with her beloved friends, Tanya and Iris.One weekend, Tanya and Iris organized a sleepover at Tanya's house—a night filled with baking delicious treats, playing games, and indulging in their favorite movies. As the hours passed, laughter echoed through the house, filling the air with warmth and camaraderie.However, amidst the festivities, a sudden jolt of unease disrupted Enola's blissful reverie. It came in the form of a video posted by Tewkesbury on social media—a clip capturing him dancing intimately with another girl. Enola's initial assumption that it might be for prom quickly faded as a wave of jealousy washed over her.Despite her best efforts to brush off the feeling, Enola couldn't shake the nagging sense of unease that settled in her chest. She tried to bury her emotions beneath layers of laughter and distraction, but the sight of Tewkesbury with another girl lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over the otherwise joyful evening.As the sleepover drew to a close and Enola bid farewell to her friends, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness creeping into her heart. The realization that Tewkesbury's attention was directed elsewhere left her grappling with feelings of jealousy and insecurity, overshadowing the happiness she had felt just moments before.
Feeling a mix of disappointment and betrayal, Enola excused herself from the sleepover early, citing fatigue and the need for rest. She bid Tanya and Iris goodnight with a forced smile, masking the turmoil churning within her.As she retreated to her room, Enola couldn't shake the sting of betrayal she felt from Tewkesbury's actions. The memory of his persistent messages over the past month now felt like a cruel charade, leaving her feeling played and disillusioned.Curling up in her bed, Enola replayed the events of the evening in her mind, trying to make sense of her emotions. She couldn't help but wonder why Tewkesbury had chosen to pursue her, only to flaunt his connection with another girl so publicly.In the quiet solitude of her room, Enola allowed herself to acknowledge the hurt and disappointment she felt. Despite her attempts to rationalize his actions, she couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that gnawed at her heart.As sleep eluded her, Enola resolved to confront her feelings head-on. She knew that she deserved honesty and respect in any relationship, and Tewkesbury's actions had made it clear that he couldn't offer her either.With a heavy heart, Enola made a silent vow to prioritize her own well-being and happiness, refusing to let the actions of others define her worth. And as she drifted into an uneasy slumber, she clung to the hope that tomorrow would bring clarity and healing in the wake of disappointment.

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