a circle is a ring, right?

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                               "i've loved you three summers now honey i want them all"

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                               "i've loved you three summers now honey i want them all"

A day no one will forget, A day that would be cherished.Tewksbury was getting his butt ready for a day he will never forget.

Tewksbury went to 30 fortune tellers this month, just to calm himself. That's right he is proposing to the girl he loved most, and i think we all know who that girl is.

"tewksbury are u okay" the brunette asked.

"why enola? i am so fine right now i could jump to outer space" the boy replied

"i'd kick you to outer space if i could" enola laughed 

" and i'll make sure you come with me" tewksbury giggled

"impossible i say" enola huffed

"nothing is impossible" the boy said 

"you? kissing me inside a cab?" enola asked

"will you ever stop talking?" he laughed 

"when pigs can fly i guess" enola said 

"i ummm need to go right now, i forgot that my mum told me to wash the plates" tewks said trying to make an excuse

"don't you have ur maids to do that for you" enola teased 

Tewksbury just smiled.

"are you trying to get rid of me james tewksbury?" enola said in a joking manner 

"I would never" tewksbury replied 

"well i have to go, just found a lead on my latest case, i'm not sure if i'm gonna be back for dinner" she whispered 

"ughhh just go and get the case done so i can spend some time with you" he cried 

"patience is a virtue my love" enola says giving him a kiss on his forehead before leaving.

After Enola left the place Tewksbury started to prepare some things for a surprise for a certain someone, and for sure I think we all know who that certain someone is. 

Meanwhile Enola gets back to work to "finish" a case that has been given to her 3 days ago 

Enola was so pissed at the case since she wanted to spend some more time with her boo, instead of throwing papers she decided to listen to the wise words she told tewksbury "patience is a virtue"

In the other hand Tewksbury needed to have a talk with his mom before doing the thing he is gonna do when Enola gets back.

"I can see that you are indeed nervous" Lady Tewksbury spoke 

"I don't really know what to feel right now" he laughed 

"A few more hours and you are gonna get the girl of your dreams" Lady Tewksbury said 

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