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AUGUST 6 2020

on the date of August 7 2019 Enola and Tewksbury became an item

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on the date of August 7 2019 Enola and Tewksbury became an item.

They met on social media and for a few months of talking to each other they became a couple.

But both lovers never saw each other in real life. Since they were both caught of with their schedules everyday.

During their free time they would most likely stay at home and call each other on discord.

The hardest thing was, they both wanted to see each other physically but tewksbury's parents wouldn't allow him to visit London. It's a bummer, I know.

Not until one of them made a stand to their brother.

"Sherlock" Enola said while entering his office.

"What do you want" Sherlock spoke

"A lil bit of your time" Enola replied

"Enola, I'm busy working on a case, can we talk this out tomorrow" he asked her.

"I'm afraid it can't wait" Enola said

"Very well then" Sherlock sighed

"What is the matter?" He asked her

"Nothing, but I would like to see someone" she spoke to her brother

"Is this Tewksbury" he spoke putting his hand on his head

"Indeed" she spoke

"I don't know really know if I could let you go" he replied

"Ughhh whyyy" she whined to him

"if you were to see him. Answer the following question" he spoke

"Fine, if my answers are all appropriate. Can I go" she asked

"Yes" he spoke

"YAYYY" Enola jumped and jumped

"Now, where are you gonna sleep, Who will make sure that you won't do anything Stupid, And who is going to give me updates about you that isn't fake" he asked

"Um, Idk, You, and You" she smiled awkwardly

"Exactly why you aren't going" Sherlock spoke

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