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July 6 1883

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July 6 1883

High school.

is a place where people fall in love, act crazy, a place where you could make a lot of friends and a place where you could madly fall in love with an unexpected person.

In this story you will be able to witness an unexpected love.

Enola and Tewksbury were the school's fav couple, well almost. They have been friends for almost seven years. They always held each other's hands and cuddle each other during free time but they are only best friends. They are always on the top 5 persons on school who would most likely get awards from it.

They met on grade three. Ever since they met no one could separate them. Not even Eudoria. People ship them a lot but just like what they always say "they are best friends"

The thing about these two is that they act like a couple but they really aren't. If I was a fan girl of these two I would basically sob for hours.

They both auditioned for a play and auditioned for a couple. People were going crazy because of it.

"Do you think we are gonna get the roles we auditioned for?" Enola asked

"Don't worry" he spoke

"And why shouldn't I" she asked

"Because if you aren't getting the role I might as well quit" he laughed

"You'd do that for me?" She asked again

"Wouldn't you do that for me" he asked

"I would do it for you every time" she replied

"I'm thankful to have you" he smiled

"I'm thankful to have someone in my life like you too" she said holding his hands

"Do you want me to walk you home" he asked

"Do I look like a dog Tewksbury" Enola asked

"That is not what I meant" he laughed

She couldn't stop laughing so they laughed for a few more minutes.

After laughing like lost donkeys he held her hand and walked to her house because he would always want to  ensure her safety.

"Thank you for walking me to my house" she smiled

"That's what friends are for, am I right" he smiled back

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