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Enola Holmes and Tewksbury's love story during Christmas spanned several years, weaving through the seasons like a tale spun from the pages of a cherished novel.

The crisp winter air had a way of enveloping the estate in a cocoon of tranquility, and Christmas was a time when Enola and Tewksbury found themselves drawn to each other even more. Their childhood friendship had evolved into a deep, unspoken connection, a bond that silently grew with each passing year.

In their late teens, amidst the festivities of the holiday season, Enola found herself drawn back to the Tewksbury estate once again. The grand halls were adorned with holly and mistletoe, and the scent of pine permeated the air. Tewksbury, now a fine young gentleman, welcomed her with a warmth that made her feel like she belonged.

"Ms.Holmes" he welcomed her

"lord tewksbury" she laughed a bit

she missed him sooooooo much he doesn't even know, well..... he probably does.

"you look like a fine young gentleman" she smiled to him

"no, i'm a man" he gave her a soft look

"stop looking so fine will you" enola playfully rolled her eyes

"oh please" tewksbury tickled her for a few minutes

after laughing to tewkesbury's tickles a laughing enola starts to cry and laugh

"are you crying?" he asked 

"NO! IT'S JUST TOO MUCH TICKLES" enola laughed so hard

"my servants prepared us dinner but i prefer you dine with me in my room" he spoke

"and what exactly are we gonna eat?" she smirked a lil

"I baked you apple pie and prepared salad all for you" he bopped her nose using his.

"that sounds amazing" she gave him a really big smile.

After sharing a few words about what happened on their lives, the one enola holmes got sleepy

"you are sleepy" he spoke 

"what? .... i am most certainly not" she rolled her eyes

" nice one, but we all know miss holmes gets cranky when sleepy" he came close to her

"that is not true!......... do u have wine?" she asked him a question

"yes and no, none of us are getting drunk enola" he then said in a serious tone

"oh stop being so serious for once" enola spoke

"i thought you were the serious one" he laughed a bit

"we are going to sleep, now." he added 

"fine i'm going to the guest room now, good night" she gave him a small smile

"can u sleep with me" he asked

"what's it with questions tonight" she laughed 

"i am scared of the dark" he said a lie in order for her to stay

"really?" enola gave him a look

"pleaseeee" he begged 

"begging looks good on you do more" she laughed

"pleaseee enolaaaaaaaaaaaaa" he begged 

"fine just this once" she gave a tiny smile

she climbed on the bed and laid beside him and held his hand

"good night" he smiled giving her a kiss on the head and it felt so surreal to do it for the first time

"night night" she said as she held his hand tight

Their days were spent amidst snowball fights, decorating the Christmas tree, and cozying up by the crackling fire, sharing stories and laughter that echoed through the halls. But underneath the laughter and cheer, an unspoken longing lingered between them.

One frosty evening, as the stars twinkled in the sky and snowflakes danced in the moonlight, Enola and Tewksbury found themselves strolling through the snow-covered gardens, hand in hand. The air was alive with the magic of the season, and the estate seemed to shimmer under the soft glow of the Christmas lights.

"Enola," Tewksbury began, his voice soft yet filled with an earnestness that made her heart skip a beat. "There's something I've been meaning to say."

Enola turned to him, her eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation. "What is it, Tewksbury?"

He took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on hers. "I've realized that you're not just a dear friend to me. You're... you're everything. My heart has always been yours, Enola."

Her breath caught in her throat, a rush of emotions flooding her being. "Tewksbury, I've felt the same way for so long."

In that moment, amidst the beauty of the winter night, they confessed their love for each other. Their embrace felt like coming home, and as they stood there, the snow falling gently around them, they knew this love was meant to endure.

As the years passed, their love only grew stronger. They navigated life's challenges together, supporting each other through triumphs and tribulations. Each Christmas became a cherished chapter in their love story, filled with traditions they created together.

They exchanged thoughtful gifts, shared stolen kisses under the mistletoe, and wrote heartfelt letters expressing their deepest feelings. Enola and Tewksbury's love flourished, rooted in a friendship that had blossomed into a love that withstood the test of time.

And so, each Christmas held a special place in their hearts, a reminder of the love they shared—a love that was as timeless and enduring as the spirit of the season itself. Enola and Tewksbury's love story was a testament to the magic of Christmas, a tale of two souls intertwined by destiny and bound together by a love that only grew stronger with each passing year.

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