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Tewksbury and Enola got married on the last 2 years, but now they are already starting a family

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Tewksbury and Enola got married on the last 2 years, but now they are already starting a family.

That's right! our babies are now big!!

Enola was pregnant with a lil boy, They didn't decide for the name yet since they had a lot of errands. Enola took a break from being a detective, since pregnancy's enemy is stress. With that said Tewksbury wanted His wife and his unborn son to be safe. It took awhile for him to convince Enola to take a break but when they had a talk She finally agreed to take a break because it was for her safety and their baby after all.

She didn't want to argue with him since it would be wrong for her to fight her husband because he is only thinking about his family. Enola couldn't argue with that cause if Tewksbury would ever get hurt she would always want to play it safe.

When Enola was 4 months pregnant Tewksbury wanted to take their pregnancy public to stop paparazzis to stop following them because Enola doesn't have time to deal with them. She didn't want to make it public but she wanted privacy she knew that if they would take it public, everyone will gossip about them or talk about if but when she thought about is, she was suddenly okay with it, she knew that there will always be someone who wouldn't like it but it's their opinion anyways. So she didn't bother anymore.

When they took it their pregnancy public Tewksbury made sure that Enola wouldn't watch the newspaper all the time because she would most likely get stressed about it, He even talked to her mom to send her letters instead of putting it on the newspaper, She obviously understood since it was the best for her daughter.

Tewksbury on the other hand decided to take a leave on the house of lords since he knew that Enola needed someone with her, He didn't want to leave her with a butler at home. He knows that Enola would rather spend her time with him than talk to her butler, he wanted to make her happy so he decided to stay with her.

Enola was now 7 months pregnant, that means in a few for months she will finally be able to give birth

Tewksbury had a busy schedule he needed to take care of her, make arrangements for his unborn son, ready his ass to be a father, prepare a nursery near their bedroom and a lot of things, so there was basically a lot of pressure.

At 6am he would be awake, he would get up from bed. He would make breakfast for her by 6:15 and he would clean himself by 6:30 and he would get back to bed to hug her until she wake up.

Around 7:14 am Enola woke up with a lot of sweat

"Love is there something wrong" he asked being all worried

"Yeah, just hug me and all my worries will go away" she replied

Tewksbury obviously obeyed her, he didn't want to upset her or anything.

"Thank you" she replied softly

"I think I should be thanking you" he replied to her

"Exactly why?" She laughed

"Without you I wouldn't be a father, you are carrying our child, and for that I should be thankful to have you"

"What can I say, I should be pretty thankful to have someone like you" She smiled to me

"we really are lucky" he chuckled

"You know what else would make me the luckiest human being?" She asked

"and what would that be" he asked

"if my dear husband would be a dear to make me breakfast" she smiled

"I got that part done, does my wife want to take her breakfast on bed?" he asked

"I think she will be delighted" she laughed

Tewksbury took a small table and her breakfast and he gently placed them on the bed.

"Thank you" she gave him a quick peck on the lips

"you are most welcome,love" he smiled

After she finished her breakfast he took  the dishes and washed them after, he went back to their bedroom in case Enola wanted something else.

"Darling, do you need anything" he asked

"Yeah" she quickly replied

He pushed the door open and sat next beside her on the bed and kissed her cheek.

"What do you need" he said kissing her hand

"i want you to be here with me" she replied

"But I'm always here" he replied

"I know but can you sit beside me for a moment" she asked

"You know that I couldn't say no" he chuckled

"HAHAHA" very funny she laughed sarcastically

he took his hand and touched her belly because that is where their baby is.

"hey lil fella" he spoke while touching her belly.

"It's ur dad, you have no idea how excited to see you" he spoke gently

A few minutes later, Enola spoke.

"He kicked" she smiled

Enola took his hand and placed it to the place where their baby was kicking.

A few seconds later their baby kicked again.

"I can't explain how much I'm happy" he smiled trying to keep his tears.

"I could say the same" she smiled.



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