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Wednesday was losing her mind

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Wednesday was losing her mind. Even after Rowan was mysteriously sent away from Nevermore and all of the leads on that monster went cold, the pigtailed girl would not let it go.

I mean, sure. I wanted to know what that figure was before I was knocked unconscious, and why Rowan wanted to kill Wednesday for no reason, but if there's no evidence of any actual murder that night I don't know what else to do.

It sucks that no one believes us, but life has to go on.

Currently reading a book on my bed, my peaceful time with Jo and Laurie was interrupted by Enid storming into the dorms looking extremely distressed.

"What's wrong Enid,  you look like you're going to wolf out on me." I comment worriedly as she gives me an unwanted glare.

"I'm in a major Poe Cup crisis here!" Enid exclaims irratically, going over to collapse on her bed to cry quietly.

"Oh no... what happened?" I go over to her, rubbing her back in support as she tries to tell me what happened but her face is buried in a stuffed bunny so I can't make out much. All I could understand was "garlic bread" and "allergic."

I continue to console the hysteric girl until a couple minutes later when Wednesday comes in through the window to the balcony, probably just returning from her scheming.

"We've got a code red here." I tell her as she looks down at Enid with a slightly concerned look.

"Where have you been?! I've literally been having a heart attack right now! Yoko is in the infirmary." Enid springs up from her bed once she realizes that Wednesday is back, and Wednesday gives her a once over making sure she isn't injured or something.

"What happened?" Wednesday asks calmly, and Enid goes off on a tangent pacing back and forth in front of us as we listen.

"Garlic bread incident at dinner. She had a major allergic reaction which means she's out of the Poe Cup and I don't have a co-pilot."  I give Wednesday a concerned look, but she doesn't look surprised at the news.

"It wasn't an accident, Bianca's behind it." Wednesday tells us both and I shake my head in anger for my friend.

"That bitch." I mutter out as Enid furrows her brows in confusion.

"How do you know?"

"I broke into Xavier's room to look for clues and hid while he was talking to her." Wednesday tells us both like it's nothing and I give her a bewildered look.

"You what?" My eyebrows furrow together as I process her words.

What was Bianca doing in Xavier's room, and why do I feel mad right now? Is he getting back together with her?

"Don't worry, he rejected her. It was quite satisfying." Wednesday tells me, almost sensing my own thoughts and I gape trying to deny that I was concerned at all.

"I-I..." I try to deny but Wednesday just cuts me off, going back to the subject at hand.

"Anyways, it doesn't matter. Us three are going to take her down tomorrow." She tells me and Enid with a look of determination and I nod my head eagerly, willing to back up my friend and make Bianca suffer.

"Wait... you guys are joining the black cats? You're willing to do that for me?" Enid's eyes go wide, practically bursting with happiness at Wednesday's show of affection.

"Of course E, we've got your back." I tell her with an encouraging smile which she returns easily, while Wednesday remains relatively emotionless as usual.

"I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat burns in her throat." Wednesday adds ominously and I chuckle at her dramatic way of talking.

"That too." I agree with a nod and Enid squeals in excitement, jumping up and down slightly.

"Tell me how she keeps winning." Wednesday

"It's a real brain cramp. The bast two years no other boat has made it across the lake and back without sinking." Enid admits and I hum in thought, thinking of all the ways I can use my powers to counteract her water manipulation.

"Sounds like sabotage."  I comment in annoyance and Wednesday hums in agreement.

"There are no rules in the Poe Cup and she is a siren which makes her master of the water." Enid grimaces as Wednesday takes in the information, pursing her lips in thought.

"Then we just need to hear her at her own game.  Do your powers apply to water too?" The pigtailed girl turns to me and I nod quickly.

"Hell yeah." I smirk evilly and she nods at me in approval.

"Perfect. Thing, we need to do some planning. Let's go."  Wednesday tells Thing who gives an excited thumbs up and scurries after her as she makes her way back out of the window.

Enid starts to tell me her strategies and tactics for how the Poe Cup will go and I start looking through my grimoires for helpful sabotage spells. This is going to be fun...

❛ ━━・ ❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

Maggie speaks!

Just a lil shirt chapter for today, since next chapter is going to be extra complicated to write. If you know, you know.

Also I'm back at school now for finals week, so I will only be able to update every couple of days until Christmas vacay.  Sorry about that. Please bear with me  <3

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