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"Oh my God!! Wednesday Addams is going to the rave'n! My whole world is tilted

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"Oh my God!! Wednesday Addams is going to the rave'n! My whole world is tilted." I can hear Enid's high pitched scream before I can even unlock the door to our dorm room.

"You're actually going to the dance?" I ask Wednesday as I get inside, my face surprised as I take off my satchel and put it onto the ground in a huff.

"Unfortunately." Wednesday responds with a look of dread as Enid continues to jump up and down excitedly.

"You know what you need now..." the blonde asks Wednesday as Lucifer rises from his spot on Wednesday's bed to greet me.

"A bullet to the head?" Wednesday asks sarcastically, causing me to snort as I pick up Lucy and give him a pat on the head.

"A dress!" Enid rolls her eyes at Wednesday's difficulty, and I hum in agreement as I walk over to the two girls having a standoff in the middle of the room.

"I already have one." Wednesday dismissed the idea, probably

"Well I unfortunately do not and I'm not suffering through dress shopping alone so you're coming with against your will."

"Exactly, and if you're referring to the dress you wore on the first day we're not letting you wear that. That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate. Thing, back me up here."

"You need something that screams first date, stand back bitches I have arrived! And I know just the place..."

Flurry five minutes later, the three of us stand in front of the only teen clothing store in Jericho, the front decorated in all of the colors of the rainbow. No wonder Enid likes this place.

"What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?"  Wednesday comments, glaring at all of the colors like a demon looks at a crucifix.

"Hawte Kewture, really Enid? Is this really the only store that they have here?"  I ask unsurely, questioning if I'd find anything even remotely decent inside.

"Don't knock it till you try it girls. This is our first roomie shopping spree, we have to make it count! The dance committee is suggesting all white to match the theme, but that's not going to fly with us."  She tells us defiantly and I hum in agreement, white is none of our colors

"Yeah, white does nothing for my complexion." I frown, dreading spending the entire day here trying to pick out a decent dress.

"Well I have more pressing business to worry about a stupid dress I don't even want to attend." Wednesday tells us suddenly, and Enid's face falls immediately.

"But I thought we were bonding..." She asks disappointedly and I go to back her up.

"Come on Wen, Enid was practically shaking in the bus ride here she was so excited to do this."  I defend, reminding her of how the blonde was so impatient to get here she was bouncing in her seat energetically.

"I fear I'll only slow you down. You're a gazelle, I'm a wounded fawn. Cut me loose and go run with the pack."  Wednesday reassures Enid and she looks longingly at the store, ready to dive in.

"You sure?" Enid asks unsurely and Wednesday nods, giving her permission to go inside.

"Are you at least coming to get coffee with us after?" I ask Wednesday as Enid hurries inside, tilting my head to the side knowingly.

"Perhaps, it depends on how long my investigation will be."  She tells me and I sigh, nodding in reluctant understanding.

"Ok, be careful then I guess..."  I tell her honestly and she gives me a single nod, heading off with Thing crawling after her loyally.

Internally groaning as I turn back to the over the top store, I mentally prepare myself and walk into the store.

"Spirits save me."  I mutter out as I take in the rows and rows of colorful sparkly clothes and the overpowering smell cotton candy perfume.

"Come on! We have to do a fashion show!!" Enid yells out to me from the other side of the store, and I throw up a reluctant smile heading over to start the dress hunt.

❛ ━━・ ❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

Almost an hour and seven dress try-ons later, Enid and I have still yet to find the perfect dress for the dance.

"I told you E, white completely washes me out. This blows." I complain tiredly, my eyes hurting from all of the perfume and loud music. Curse Wednesday for letting me suffer through this alone.

"You almost look as pale as me." Yoko comments with a smug smirk, having already found a hot suit for herself at a different store.

I glare over at the vamp annoyedly, groaning as I put my current dress try on in the ever growing reject pile.

"It's not that bad... maybe try silver?" Enid suggests hopefully as she holds up a cute white dress with feathers on the end of the sleeves.

"Ugghh. Kill me now." I throw my head back with a groan as I go back to the racks of clothing, trying once more to find something even remotely decent.

I've already given up the hope that I'd find the "perfect" dress.

Grabbing a mid length white dress with a slit up the side, I eye it up curiously.

It's a bit plain, but at least it doesn't have rhinestones or feathers.

"I'm settling for this, hopefully I can do my hair to make it less plain." I tell the girls as I walk back to the dressing room area, and Yoko hums as she takes in the dress.

"Are you sure you don't want to keep looking? You can definitely do better than that..." Enid gives me a look but I shake my head quickly, ready for this shopping trip to be over already.

"Nope, if I have to try on one more dress I think I'm going to have a temper tantrum. Are you almost done?" I ask the blonde and she nods, holding up her final dress choice to me.

"That's perfect Enid, you'll look amazing." I compliment, and Enid wiggles excitedly as we make our way to the cash register.

"I know right! Wait until you see what I'm doing to my hair, it's going to be revolutionary." She brags as Yoko and I follow after her, grateful to finally leave this hellhole of a store...

❛ ━━・ ❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

Maggie Speaks!

Just another lil filler chapter for today, don't worry next chapter may or may not have some juicy drama before the rave'n hehehe.

Also I'm on winter break now so more consistent updates in the future, stay tuned and thanks for your support :))

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