Chapter 3: All the Things I Hate about You

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'the clash of the spoiled prince and the foolish newcomer'


Third Person POV

It was hell. Utter hell.

Another week rolled by and there wasn't a day where the arguing duo were not seen messing with each other... And it was all Rindo's fault.

Monday was simple, Rindo crumpled up pieces of paper and made it a game to throw it into (y/n)'s hair. Tuesday was bothersome, (y/n) went to use the restroom and came back to her eraser filled with pencil marks and holes. Wednesday was a bit irritating, Rindo took it upon himself to take the last of the milk bread during both break and lunch. Thursday was just exhausting, Rindo stood at the classroom's door before and after school so (y/n) ended up being late to class and her club meeting. Despite the classroom having two doors, Rindo made sure to run to the other door whenever (y/n) walked the other way... Yes, he's a child.

By the time Friday came around, the poor girl was already over it. Who knew that this would've been the outcome of picking a fight with the most well-known delinquent of Roppongi. She expected more punches thrown, more blood spilled, and at least a few broken bones like in the movies...

But no. Instead, she got an annoying cretin who— for some reason— wants her seat and her seat only.

"Goddamn you didn't even say anything that time!" The blonde male shouted and muttered curses under his breath from the pain shooting within his body.

The (h/c)-haired girl let out a tired sigh as she took her spot after wordlessly pushing Rindo off her chair once again. She thought that he would learn not to close his eyes whenever he does so, but she guessed wrong.

"Don't you have something better to do than to stay in a class you're not enrolled in?" (Y/n) huffed and one-by-one took out her school supplies from her bag.

"For your information, this is the high school I'm enrolled in," Rindo spoke and plopped down next to her, "I just wasn't planning to attend in the first place. I have better things to do than sit in a class with a bunch of pansies, but I have business to deal with here."

(Y/n) hummed in a disinterested manner and went to grab a pencil and her sketchbook as Rindo became slightly irked that she seemingly dismissed his comment.

"What?" He inquired.

"I didn't say anything, Haitani."

"You look like you don't believe me."

"I don't," she shrugged, "I still think you're a troublemaker who so happens to know how to throw a punch or two. After all, why else would everyone in this town be so afraid to even look at you, yet you pull childish pranks—"

Before she could even finish her sentence, the (h/c)-nette was interrupted by an eraser landing straight on her forehead. The silence was loud as the eraser comedically stuck to her skin for a good second before falling onto the table. All the while, a smug smirk plastered on the younger Haitani's face and an ever-growing irritation bubbling up inside the female.

"You know, for someone who has a pretty well-known reputation..." the young girl shifted her eyes to look at him and the blonde— not admittedly— shivered at the dull look in her gaze. He was expecting her usual bursts of anger and did not anticipate reaching her limit already, "I didn't think you'd be so... petty."

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