Chapter 25: Stay

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"I'll appreciate anything you give me, (y/n)."


Third Person POV

No one at school knew that the spoiled prince and the foolish newcomer became a couple.

Everything was normal other than the odd week where the infamous Haitani brothers never showed. Everyone was ecstatic and the one who they thought would be the most excited was rather solemn. After all, (l/n) (y/n) and Haitani Rindo were like cats and dogs, hot and cold, fire and water— mortal enemies. And yet, she seemingly... missed him.

Oh, how surprised they all would be. If only they knew...

Key word: if

— Flashback —

"I don't think we should reveal that we're together at school."

(Y/n) was hesitant, as if she was scared what his reaction would be from what she suggested. In turn, Rindo wasn't offended but rather puzzled as he stared at her in confusion from his lying position on the couch.

"Why?" Was all the younger Haitani said.

"I don't think..." the (y/h) girl trailed off and struggled to find the right words to say. Her face morphed into a contemplative expression as Rindo immediately read her body language.

"Are you scared?"

At that, (y/n)'s brain restarted and went blank. Her lips were pursed together, (e/c) eyes became doe-like, and she merely blinked at him. So that's what that was?

She was trying to put her thoughts together the past few days and concluded that maybe it was nerves. How everyone in the school would find the information absolutely stupefying and would bombard her with questions. Or how she couldn't push down her pride to admit that she fell in love with somebody like Rindo and submit to that judgement in front of everyone. Or, generally, how her classmates would think about her.

But in reality, she couldn't care less about what others thought. No, it was something else that was always in the back of her mind... how the two of them essentially drew a giant, red target on their backs— especially, (y/n).

The day of her confession came to mind and how she literally considered avoiding Rindo like the plague to protect him. She couldn't help her overthinking this time around and feared the worst once they hang out in public again.

"I mean..." the female murmured and knitted her brows together in frustration of her conflicting thoughts, "Won't we be easier targets now? I don't want people to think you've gone soft just because you're with me. And I also don't want to be anybody's punching bag as a way to threaten and manipulate you again—"

Suddenly, (y/n)'s hand was grabbed as she felt herself being pulled down and she squeaked in surprise. Rindo's arms wrapped around her back— locking her firmly against his chest— whilst he laid the back of his head on the armrest and closed his eyes.

"H-Hey, wha—?" (Y/n) stammered and tried to cover her face with her hands but couldn't pull her arms out of his grip. Instead, she opted to hide her embarrassed expression by burying her face onto his chest, letting strands of hair cover her face.

'How unfair,' she whined in her head.

It seems as though Rindo easily adapted to the role of 'boyfriend' and/or his love language was physical touch because what the hell. He appears way too casual to be pulling moves like this and not get flustered. She was jealous at how easy this was for him.

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