Chapter 17: Double Take

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"(L/n)? What are you doing over here?"


Third Person POV

"Uh..." (y/n) started— absolutely dumbfounded— and was about to explain until Rindo's eyes widened as if a realization struck him and hastily approached her. She jolted in her spot and went to take a step back, but the violet-eyed teen grabbed her face with both of his hands and rotated her head.

"Did someone hurt you again?" He asked and inspected her face for injuries. The blonde male grabbed one of her bandaged hands and made sure that her wounds didn't reopen.

"I'm fine, my hands are fine, it's just—" the (y/h) girl pulled her hand away and finally was able to back up, bringing up the bag for him to see, "—Here. I fixed up your jacket and I wanted to give it to you."

Rindo tilted his head in a perplexed manner before he formed an 'oh' shape with his mouth. Meanwhile, (y/n) released a breath she didn't know she was holding. It was so strange having Rindo care for her wellbeing after being at each others' throats for the past few months. She knew that it was nothing more than his part of the deal and the near-hostage situation, but it was still unnerving to see firsthand.

(Y/n) handed him the bag and anxiously anticipated for his reaction. One would assume her typical behavior of not caring what her mortal enemy thinks would take place, but no... she was nervous. This is her passion. She's waiting to be judged.

"I hope you don't mind..." the (h/c)-nette sheepishly started as her eyes focused on anything but him, "One of the rips were too large to repair... This is the best I could do."

Pulling out the material, Rindo's violet eyes widened. A wispy, sketch-like embroidery of a crown was patched on the back of the jacket— the design reminding him of his tattoo, almost.

"I know I probably should've asked you about the sudden addition and... um..." (y/n) panicked. She couldn't stop herself, "If you don't like it, I can remove it and I'll figure something else out—"

"You ramble when you're nervous, you know that?" Rindo said with a jeering smirk as he slipped his arms through the sleeves. Tugging at the collar to adjust the clothing around his form, he then sent an expecting look, "So? Is this how you envisioned it?"

He slightly turned so she could see the result for herself whilst the (e/c)-eyed girl stared at him in a stupefied manner. He doesn't mind the change and... he's actually letting her talk about her work instead of moving on to something else.

"Huh? Oh yeah..." she nodded before a soft smile appeared on her face, "I'm glad."

"Anyways, how much do you charge for commissions?" The tall delinquent stuffed his hands in his pockets and (y/n) stared at him in bewilderment.

"It's a gift? You don't have to pay for it?" She questioned with an incredulous look until her smile turned to a devious grin, "Buuut~ I won't stop you— ack!"

"Nevermind you don't deserve it," Rindo deadpanned and pinched her cheek.

"Damn, it never hurts to get more money," the (h/c)-haired female cried whilst rubbing her skin, "Anyways, I already explained why I came over so what are you doing here?"

"Do I need a reason? Actually, do I need to tell you?" Rindo asked but it was more of a statement, if anything. He returned to his sightseeing and leaned his arms on the guardrail.

"Geez, what's up your ass today?" (Y/n) rolled her eyes and followed his lead. Leaning her arms over the railing, she propped one hand up so she could rest her chin on it, "It was just a question."

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