Chapter 5: Reflections

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"Sorry but you're stuck with me now."


Third Person POV

"Stupid Haitani..." (y/n) grumbled bitterly as she marched her way to her clubroom.

It was now after school and any attempts of grabbing Rindo's attention and bringing up the offer was futile as he ignored her through his headphones. So now, (y/n) could only accept defeat and have to live with the pesky bug by her side for who knows how long.

"Why couldn't he just accept it? It would've been beneficial for the both of us and we won't have to see each other again..." she mumbled and went to grab the door handle but the door suddenly slid open.

"Oh, sorry— Oh! (L/n)-san!" The home ec's club president greeted in surprise, "What happened?! Why do you have paint all over you?!"

"Hehe... I was working on all the banners," (y/n) sheepishly spoke as the older female widened her eyes.

"That was you?!" She exclaimed and picked out the dry plasters of paint off of the poor girl's hair, "Why are you overworking yourself so early on? You're still a newly joined first-year, you could've left it to the other club officers."

"Well if we don't get enough people and raise enough money, the club would be disbanded," the (h/c)-haired student spoke, "I really want to continue working here."

'And this is the only place where I can use the sewing machine,' she added.

The president sighed before sending out a sincere smile, "I appreciate it, (l/n)-san. Hopefully with all of the posters you made, we can recruit more people."

"Of course!"

"Although, I do have a request for you," she started, "Can you begin placing the banners around school? The other officers and I are going out to buy more fabric but I don't think we would have time to come back today."

"Will do, Prez."

"Thanks (l/n)-san," the older student praised, "Let the other members that comes through help you out, okay? There won't be a club meeting so you can leave once you're done."

With that, the sewing club's four main officers exited as (y/n) went to the back to clean off the paint off herself. As soon as she was finished and as the remaining club members entered the room, she assigned each of them their fair share and helped discuss their designated areas of the school to place the posters.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" (Y/n) bid goodbye and headed out first.

Taking the rolled up banners in one arm and the stack of papers in the other, she set out to to her homeroom. She was the only freshman in the club so she took it upon herself to decorate the entire first-year floor and decided to place one in her class. As she was slowly trudging her way there, she caught the sound of people fighting the further she went.

"Please stop!" A timid, male voice exclaimed and as her vision focused, a total of three boys towering over the other.

"Hahh? What'd you say, you bastard?" One of the more burly of the guys grabbed onto this kid's hair and pulled him up to his face, "You can't be spewing all that and think you can escape."

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