Chapter 21: War of Hearts

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"Didn't think you gave up so easily hunting me down, Haitani Rindo."


Third Person POV

Rindo stopped.

The notorious delinquent paused just when his hand reached for the door handle. It was quiet before everything became a blur of instincts and reflexive movement. Rindo didn't care who this person was, he already had them in an armlock.

"Who the hell are..." the blonde boy venomously started until the hood of the person fell and revealed locks of dark brown hair and gleaming hazel eyes, "... you?"

"They are the people you're looking for."

Suddenly, (y/n)'s words echoed in his mind, resulting in Rindo tightening his grip around the brunette. Anger was an understatement, at this point, when the realization came to him. The overwhelming rage he felt since the very beginning of the whole ordeal came rushing through him that he almost snapped this guy's bones in half.

"You're the one who caused this mess!" Rindo exclaimed and kicked the back of the boy's knees, letting him face plant the ground. The violet-eyed male pressed one knee on the perpetrator's back and firmly pulled up on his arm, "Everything! To me, to Ran, to (y/n)— you fucking hurt her, you piece of shit!"

"Don't accuse me when you brought her into this," the brown-haired male sneered until Rindo applied more pressure onto his back. The pained individual sputtered a cough before mustering a sick grin, "I'm only set out to make your life miserable. She just so happened to be in the picture because you let her."

'Is he talking about the deal?' Rindo thought but didn't delve deeper into it. His mind was too clouded as he was focused on ending the person under him.

"You better let me go," the hazel-eyed male merely uttered whilst the younger Haitani rose a skeptical brow.

"Quite a bold statement considering I can break your arm in a snap of my fingers."

"Hah... Then I guess you won't mind if we torture (y/n) in front of you right now."

His breath hitched.

'(Y/n)?' Rindo momentarily stiffened and unknowingly weakened his grip. Did... Did this guy attack her when she was alone while he was busy moping in his apartment?

"Where is she?" The blonde interrogated as he locked the guy's arm into place; however, all he was received was a shit-eating grin, "Answer me, dammit!"

"Release me first— AGHH!"

As soon as those words left his mouth, Rindo had already twisted and pulled onto the male's joints enough for his shoulder to pop out of place. He wasn't going to obey his command as if he won't just pummel him into the ground already. All that's left is to make sure (y/n) is okay.

'She's tough... she can handle it,' he kept repeating in his head. He stood up to find her and left the brunette writhing in pain on the floor.

Although, Rindo didn't get too far. Just as his fingertips grazed the metal handle of the door, something heavily struck him against the head and he collapsed to the ground with a hard 'thud!'. He hissed at the pain and weakly brought his hand to his head to reveal the blood staining it.

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