Chapter 19: I Wanna be Yours

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"Don't change."


Third Person POV

Summer break passed by rather boringly.

After a month break, all high school students in Japan returned to their second semester in September. As for (y/n) and Rindo, their days were rinse and repeat.

Considering (y/n)'s phone is still broken and she forgot to ask Rindo for his number again just in case something happens, she mostly stayed inside her home during the break to avoid trouble. It was a shame she couldn't visit the club room during the weekend but she was able to spend time with her family. The other was the opposite and— surprisingly— the younger Haitani spent that month rather... bored.

Did he really miss bothering the pesky girl that much?

But it's the first day back and said female is already regretting her return to school. In fact, she purposefully slowed down so she can postpone seeing a certain blonde's annoying face.

"It's strange..." (y/n) mumbled to herself as she held the strap of her backpack and swept her (h/l) (h/c) hair out of her face, "I spent most of my time with that Haitani... Now I haven't seen him in a month. I wonder..."

The (h/c)-haired student paused her walk to school to admire the clear sky and the full-bloom trees whilst the sun rays warmed her (s/t) skin. Since the winter was rather long this year, it was only recently that students changed to their summer uniforms. Instead of her blazer, the young girl sported a white, short-sleeved button up with a dark green tie and a green plaid skirt— a big difference compared to her long sleeves and leggings covering her body.

'Huh? He's not at the school gate,' (y/n) thought in puzzlement— stopping directly in front of her high school before a hopeful grin made its way to her face, 'Maybe he didn't know when school returned or... Maybe he's done with everything?'

She was optimistic. Oh so optimistic that maybe her wishes were granted and she didn't have to deal with extra stress. That maybe she could try making friends with her classmates. That maybe she could work on her projects in her club room like she used to—

"Ehh you're pretty late today, (l/n)," Rindo spoke in a taunting manner. His head leaned back on the rim of her chair, his hands stuffed in his pants pockets, and his legs laid comfortable on her desk, "You look like a humongous mess as ever."

She spoke too soon.

Rindo wore an oversized, light gray shirt which the front was tucked into his black pants. His distinct gold glasses laid on his nose bridge, and instead of his hair tied half-up, his blonde-and-blue hair was pulled back into a small bun.

(Y/n)'s eye twitched as it took all of her being to regain composure and not to lash out at him at that moment. Stomping over to the blonde, she was about to tell him off and to get out of her seat but the laidback male simply gestured for her to come closer. The (e/c)-eyed girl narrowed her eyes until she heard him click his tongue in irritation, grabbed her tie, and pulled her down to his level.

"You have flower petals stuck in your hair," he quietly mumbled and casually removed the white and pink petals off her (h/c) hair.

He was more focused on the task that he didn't notice how close their faces were but the other did. (Y/n) stared dumbfounded and didn't even try to move. She was scared that if she did, she would accidentally end up closer.

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