Chapter 35: Elephant in the Room

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"So fucking unbelievable..."


Third Person POV

"You cheated."


"How could you do this to me, Haitani?"


"You lied, you jerk...!"

"(Y/n)," Rindo repeated— his violet eyes boring into her with a serious, emotionless facade, "One king."

And with that, the younger Haitani threw down his last card face-down onto the pile. Smirking at his victory, Rindo laid back with crossed arms as (y/n) released a sound of irritation.

"There's no fucking way," the (h/c)-nette grumbled in annoyance.

"Then call it," he replied with absolute confidence.

Quickly, she turned to the other male sitting across from her, "Taichi, you do it."

"E-Eh?!" The raven-haired boy exclaimed, "No, I think he's telling the truth, (y/n)-san."

"Fine! I call bullshit," she declared and reached over to the abomination of strewn about cards, "You were on your last card anyways, so there's no way you could've—"

She paused and Rindo grinned at her silence, "Well? What was it?"


"Was it a king?"


"It was a king, wasn't it?" He jibed and (y/n) narrowed her eyes at the face of the card that seems to be mocking her as well, "Take the whole deck."

"Ugh, screw you and your damn poker face," she griped and started to organize the deck in order. Give her a couple of minutes, this was going to take awhile, "You did lie on your other turn! That's not a 10, you put down four 3's!"

"I'm surprised nobody called bullshit on that," the blonde boy shrugged, "I just wanted to make the game more interesting but nobody called me out on it. Who's stupid enough to lie about four of a kind?"

"(Y/n)-san is," Taichi unhesitatingly responded and said female gasped in offense.

"You can't do that to me!" The (y/h) girl exclaimed, "Also, why haven't you been calling out his bluffs, huh? It's not fair that I'm the only one calling him out and losing every time because you're too scared to do it."

"No, no, no, we just have an alliance," Rindo interjected and (y/n) immediately narrowed her eyes at him, "Right, Taichi?"

The poor first-year nervously chuckled— ready to throw his last card away before he receives either one's fury, "A-Anyways, do you want to end the game—?"

"Not after what you said!" (y/n) answered, her voice seeping with incredulousness, "I hope you're ready, Taichi, because I have the whole deck in my hand and I'm about to fucking obliterate you."

"Alright..." he trailed off, "One ace."


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