Chapter 10: Light Switch

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"You're going to hang out with my friends and I."


Third Person POV

"You know, I was joking when I said that you didn't have any friends but I'm starting to think I'm right."

(Y/n) deadpanned. Like everything that recently occurred in her life, she didn't know what happened. One moment, she was having an awkwardly silent walk with Rindo taking her to who-knows-where; and then the next, she's in the middle of an apartment with a bunch of teenage boys being... teenage boys.

One of them was texting on their phone on the couch and possibly videotaping the chaos. Another was sleeping on the floor and occasionally getting stepped on. She even noticed Rindo's brother, Ran, chasing somebody down with a plate full of whip cream. Moreover, somebody else was trying to calm Ran down before he actually murdered the dude.

But what brought her to her realization earlier was that... For the past ten-or-so minutes that the two arrived, the people in the room barely acknowledged their existence and talked amongst themselves. (Y/n) was beginning to think that her only reason she stayed there was because Rindo had no one else to talk to, and that wasn't even completely off the table yet.

"Um... Why am I here again?" The (h/c)-nette questioned and jutted her thumb to the tumultuous fighting behind her.

At some point, the younger Haitani silently moved his way to what seemed to be the kitchen and (y/n) followed him because she didn't know where else to go. A kitchen island table separated the kitchen from the rest of the apartment. He went towards a small refrigerator and grabbed a bottle as (y/n) sat on chair across from him.

Peeking behind her to see if they were listening, violet eyes then focused their attention to the (e/c)-eyed girl, "My brother is starting to question why I keep leaving out of nowhere. Right now, we have to pretend to be friends so if my brother or his friends sees us in public, it won't be suspicious."

"Huahh, so you really don't have friends?"

"That's the part you decided to focus on?" The blonde deadpanned at her observation and flicked the cap of his water bottle straight in between her brows. (Y/n) let out a small yelp and covered her forehead, "For your information, I am friends with them but they're closer to my brother's age. I only really talk to Shion over there."

Rindo pointed at a boy with long, light-colored hair and a temple tattoo on the left side of his head who's being held back by Ran. (Y/n) sweat-dropped at the scene of the older Haitani threatening to smack him with the plate of whip cream.

"So, aren't you going to introduce me to them?" She rotated back around with a look of bewilderment in her (e/c) eyes, but was met with a water bottle in her face. The tall boy continued to hold it up for her to take as he drank from his own, and she reluctantly took it.

He shrugged, "They'll notice us soon enough—"

"Oh, Rin," a male with a buzzcut and a scar running down the left side of his face announced before turning to the female in surprise, "And... who's this chick?"

"See," Rindo spoke to (y/n) before diverting his attention back to everyone else who begun to realize that there's two more people in the room, "Anyways, this is the person I said that I'll bring over."

"Oh, right. The girlfriend—"

(Y/n) spat out the water she just started to drink from.

Violently coughing and wiping away at her mouth, she switched glances between the younger Haitani to her right and the other guys to her left.

"Huh?!" She exclaimed and instantly glared at Rindo, demanding an explanation.

Out of Nowhere (Rindou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now