Chapter 20: Bad Idea!

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"God, what am I doing...?"


Third Person POV

"Tsk," (y/n) flinched when the sewing needle pricked her finger once again. She sucked on the blood as her other hand reached for the medical supplies in the cabinet to her right.

"(L/n)-san, are you okay...?" The president of the home ec club asked worriedly at her underclassman, "You've been spacing out a lot more recently. Do you need to bandage your fingers as a precaution?"

"No, it's fine, I'm doing this on purpose. The pain helps to distract me from my thoughts," the (h/c)-haired girl stated without another thought and continued to tend to her wound as the older female stared at her in horror.



(Y/n) questioned back as if she didn't know what she said, and yet at the same time, she knew exactly what she said. The younger teen mentally facepalmed at the idea of her club president thinking she's a masochist.

A nervous laugh escaped her lips whilst she waved the other dismissively, "A-Ah, I mean I had a lot on my mind so I tend to not pay attention to what I'm doing. I'm sorry if I worried you."

"You know, (l/n)-san, you can tell me what's bothering you. I'm your upperclassman, I'll always be here to help," the older student smiled politely and (y/n) relaxed a bit. Considering it was an hour early before class started, it was only the two of them working in the home ec room so the (h/c)-nette decided to risk it.

"I think I developed feelings for somebody who'll never return them."

She wasn't dumb. Although her short temper and sharp tongue often gets her in trouble, she was very quick this time around into recognizing her emotional well-being. After all, being in denial no longer worked on her anymore.

It's been two weeks since her return to school and Rindo's actions only became more conflicting as it went. The first couple of days, (y/n) was a flustered mess and angrily snapped at the younger Haitani at any moment's notice; however, that did not stop him. If anything, it made him cling onto her more— kinda like in the beginning when he pestered her to find her breaking point. Except, his behavior wasn't to annoy her, it was rather... kind, in his own unique way.

He would ask her if she was getting sleep but then would follow it up with an insult like, 'You look like a Tim Burton character... like that ugly ass rat thing from The Nightmare Before Christmas,' right after. Or when he bought her some onigiris after she forgot her lunch, but took a bite out of one just because. Or when he randomly peeked over her shoulders when she was drawing and complimented her sketches, and yet also said the clothes she drew won't even cost a yen...

"Unrequited love, eh?" The club president sent an apologetic smile and took the seat next to her as (y/n) shifted her gaze, "Been there, done that. It hurts like hell... But hey, look, I'm still here and I bet you'll be just fine as well."

"Why are you talking like a grandma?" (y/n) chuckled, "You're only two years older, Prez."

"Hey, do you want my years worth of experience or not?" She lightly laughed and felt better that the (h/c)-nette seemed to joke around, "So when d'you figure it out? Considering you're hermit-ing back into club again, I assume it's recent."

"Yeah..." the first-year muttered, "It was."

'Why am I lying?' She thought and bit the inside of her cheek, 'It wasn't...'

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