Chapter 13: Lunchbox Friends

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"You're going to get your end of the deal, (l/n). I'm gonna leave you alone."


Third Person POV

"(L/n)-san? (L/n)-san!"

"Huh?" The (e/c)-eyed student sounded questioningly as the home ec club's president stared at her in puzzlement, "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What were you saying?"

"The new club members," the older female said and gestured to the three new faces, "They're all first-years like you so I want you to show them their stations. Afterwards, we'll have a club meeting to discuss the school festival."

"Ah, right," (y/n) nodded enthusiastically and shifted her attention to the new sewing club members, "I'm (y/n) (l/n). Pleasure to work with you all."

'Focus,' she thought with a small frown, 'It's been a week now... Just get over it.'


After the 'spoiled prince and foolish newcomer's dispute— or at least, that's what everybody in the school called it— (y/n) and Rindo didn't speak a word to each other. Actually, they never even saw each other after their whole fight which sparked confusion amongst her peers.

The day of, Rindo stayed in the classroom and slept throughout the morning classes. He left at some point but (y/n) didn't know when. She knew if she even so glanced at him, the tears won't stop flowing and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it...

Because he was right.

Despite the fact that she said some hurtful words and even instigated the argument— and don't get me wrong, she did feel bad about that— but (y/n) focused more on what Rindo had said. She was slowly killing herself, wasn't she?

The sleepless days where she would wake up hours early before class, then stay extra late in club just to use the sewing machine. How she recently bought wrist guards to protect her already sore wrists before it could get any worse. She didn't even know how many times she'd accidentally stab herself with the sewing needle and started wearing bandages as a precaution.

All for what? Only (y/n) knew in that club room of hers... And Rindo didn't even know how similar their situations were.

'Hah... I'm the coward...' the (h/c)-haired teen thought as she mindlessly pushed the fabric under the sewing machine— not even noticing the person right in front of her.

"Um, (l/n)-san, was it?" A girl with long, dark brown hair and hazel eyes spoke as (y/n) pulled herself together to be greeted with one of the new club members.

"Just call me (y/n). We're the same age, after all," she smiled and gave the brunette her full attention.

"Then (y/n)-san, do you know where the bandaids are? I pricked my finger on the pins," the hazel-eyed female said and sheepishly brought up her bleeding index finger whilst the other widened her (e/c) eyes.

"Ah, of course! It's over here by the storage cabinet," (y/n) stated and stood up, "I'll go get it for you."

As she went over to grab the medical supplies, the new club member glanced over to (y/n)'s work station, "Woah, did you make all that?"

Looking back to see what she was referring to, the (e/c)-eyed girl's gaze softened— they were pointing at the large stack of clothes she had completed since joining the club. She used to be so proud seeing her work build up over time, but now she feels nothing but shame. Two months worth of self projects... and she was, yet again, reminded of her last exchange with Rindo.

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