Chapter 47: Therefore You and Me

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"No, you idiot. You deserve it because you didn't give up."


Third Person POV

"Is this dress too revealing?"

(Y/n) came out of her room and into her living room, seeing Rindo playing video games on her TV. The outfit was really simple for somebody who wanted to pursue fashion as a career, as it consisted of a sleeveless, knee-length black dress and silver jewelry to match. It wasn't much, but the (y/h) girl rarely every goes outside if it weren't for school. She barely has the time to show her sense of style, so it was rather unusual for her to wear something that wasn't her blazer and skirt.

The violet-eyed boy glanced up at her with a small grin adorning his face before returning to his game. She was really pretty in that dress, he noted.

"Wear whatever you want, I can fight," he shrugged as he button-mashed the controls. He didn't mean to sound indifferent, he genuinely thought that she would look nice in anything she chose.

"That wasn't the question," she groaned and smacked her forehead against the doorframe, "I don't have many formal attire, but it also feels so weird to show much skin after wearing my uniform so much. Wouldn't I look weird on stage?"

"(Y/n), whatever you wear, you'd still look like my cute little trash panda that you are— ACK!" He was interrupted by a couch pillow being thrown at his face and disrupting his game, "Oi, my score!"

"Rindo, help, I'm freaking out over here," the (h/c)-nette whined as said male chuckled and paused his game.

He walked over to the mumbling female before pausing for a moment as something had caught his eye. Strewn over the couch, the blonde teen grabbed the button-up long sleeve she made for him. He always end up alternating between that and the jacket to wear since he genuinely enjoys the clothes she makes for him, and it just so happens he brought the button-up. Thus, he laid it over her shoulders whilst she peered up at the novel sensation.

"There. Does that make you feel any better?" He quirked a brow.

"I don't know..." she trailed off and lightly grasped the material so it can hug her form better.

"It was a yes or no question, and you chose 'debatable'," the younger Haitani deadpanned and sighed in exasperation, "How are nerves still getting to you? You literally survived an assassination attempt... twice! I'd say that's not normal for a high schooler."

"What if I trip and fall on stage?" She sincerely asked and he deadpanned. So she really isn't worried about winning... That's good, at least.

"Then I'd laugh at your face and record it, then help you up afterwards," Rindo snickered, "At least you'll be memorable."

Two weeks went by fast, and yet, it didn't feel long enough. Everyday, (y/n) and her makeshift team of the sewing club, Taichi, and Rindo, worked so much to help her for the Bunka Fashion Show. And I mean, so much.

(Y/n) assigned a new outfit a day for the club to prepare, and whenever Rindo and Taichi pieced together another one of her sketches, that would be added to the list. All the while, she managed to draw the last outfit to perfection and wanted to sew that one up herself. She didn't know how, but everyone accomplished to create ten outfits just the day before and nearly did an all-nighter. (Y/n) promised to treat them out after the contest was over.

"On second thought, you can have this back. I'll be fine," the (y/h) teen exhaled a shallow breath and handed the clothing article back to him.

"Do we need to pick up your sister from school?" Rindo questioned and slid the button-up over his sleeveless shirt he was wearing, "If so, we need to be leaving soon if we want to make it."

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