- Headcanon: Cute Scenarios <3 -

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Headcanon in which Rindo and (y/n) are caught up in their own shenanigans :3

Let's get into it!

Let's get into it!

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❣️ How they deal with people flirting is... quite funny ngl

👑 Rindo is uninterested if somebody flirts with him

👑 Always looking like 😐🫤🥱

👑 Constantly looks for (y/n) and he unintentionally ignores the person while they talk

👑 Lights up like a child when he sees (y/n) approach with shopping bags

👑 "Did you get the thing you wanted?" 🙂
"Yeah, look— Oh, sorry were you guys talking?" 😃😄😃

👑 (y/n) noticed the situation immediately and formed an 'ohh' with her mouth
"Did it work?" 😧
"Did what work?" 😅
"Flirting with this idiot here. Take him off my hands, he's such an annoying pest—" 😭🙏
"HELLO—!?" 🤨

🍓 (y/n) is the same and is also uninterested to people flirting, but visibly shows her dislike of the situation

🍓 Has a resting judgmental face 😒🤨🙄

🍓 Bc of that, the person who is flirting with her is uncomfortable

🍓 Rindo tells anybody that wants to flirt with her
"Good luck." 😂
"Don't come crying to me if she hurts your feelings." 🤷
"Have fun with that." 💀
or anything along those lines

🍓 He would 100% record it and laugh hysterically if the person comes out of there BAWLING

🍓 "What did you even say?" 😂
"I told them, 'Good story, but in what chapter do you shut the fuck up??'." 😒

❣️ One time, Rindo told (y/n) that she doesn't know how to have fun, so he brings her to a club to prove a point

🍓 Tell me why (y/n) actually enjoyed clubbing?? 💀

👑 Rindo stares in horror that (y/n) is freely dancing to her heart's content and caught people's attention

👑 He really thought he did something like please— 😭✋🏼

👑 Glares at anyone that tries to make a move on her while she was enjoying herself bc he didn't want her to stop having fun

👑 Somebody tried offering her a drink but Rindo slid his way through and wrapped an arm around her waist, grabbed the shot, and downed it right in front of them.
"Thanks for the free drink, my guy— (y/n), you doing alright?" 🙂
"Doing great!" 😁

🍓 (y/n) makes friends with a group of college girls and that was the only time Rindo really separated from her to hang out with his friends

👑 Although, he would be holding her cup of water while she's out dancing and makes sure nobody goes near it

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