Chapter 22: I Wanna be your Girlfriend

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"I still have my end of the deal to carry out. I won't let any of you lay your filthy hands on her."


Third Person POV

"Maybe I should call him again and cancel."

(Y/n) clutched her school bag where she stuffed her surprise gift for a certain blonde boy. She didn't know what possessed her to call said male and actually confess her feelings— over the phone, nonetheless! What a cowardly way to go about it...

"Nope, I am a coward. I'm leaving—" she declared when the looming bridge can be seen in the distance; however, when she turned around to leave did she also wince at her own behavior, "What am I doing...? Why am I backing out now? He doesn't deserve my tears if he rejects me, I asked for this."

With that terrible excuse of a pep talk, the (y/h) girl's features hardened in a determined manner as she took fast strides to reach the city bridge faster. She might as well get it over with so she can move on with her life.

"I should buy strawberry ice cream after this," she huffed and glared down the end of the street where she would expect he would come from. Her thoughts were filled of things she would do to recover from her future heartbreak.


Five minutes turned to ten, turned to thirty, turned to an hour; and now (y/n) was standing alone at her destination feeling more dejected as time passed by. At this rate, the sun will be long gone in the next half hour or so.

"Damn, I got stood up... Why did I expect anything more...?" the (h/c)-haired girl murmured— the gift she made for him peeking through the zipper of her bag, "This is what rejection feels like, huh?"

She tried to force a smile but it came out more pathetic, if anything. Her lips pressed firmly together as she took a deep breath to stop herself from crying, exhaled in disappointment, and turned around to walk away. It was a painfully slow, sluggish tread to the station where she may just end up giving his gift to somebody else.

"Huahh... this hurts much more than I thought it would."

Sending a small grin to the sky, (y/n) clutched her bag in her arms and walked faster. Her tears were on the verge of falling and she didn't want to end up sobbing in the train.

"God, I'm such an idiot..." she mumbled until she felt her self-pity turn to anger.

She was so enraged at herself for falling for somebody the likes of him. Out of everyone in the world, she wants the one who— not only who wouldn't return her feelings for him— but hates her entire existence. Surely, the god, gods, or whatever higher entity was laughing at her story. Destiny just wanted to keep throwing her character development until she became a villain, didn't they?

"Fucking hell— why him?!" The crying female exclaimed to no one in particular, her tears warmed up her skin as it trailed down her cheeks, "Why... Why someone that I know will reject me?!"

She's never been happier that the bridge was relatively isolated for her to scream her lungs out. Not like she'd care if anybody heard her, but at the same time, she didn't want to be looked at as another teenager who got her heart broken. The situation was already too cliche as it was.

"I hate him..." she whispered with tears silently falling down her cheeks, pooling at her chin, and dropping to the ground with a small plop.

Her pace fastened and she reached the corner of the street to turn right to the station. One more step, the bridge will no longer be in view and she'll forever move on with her life despite not getting the closure she had wanted. It was selfish of her anyways, she noted.

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