Chapter 15: W.D.Y.W.F.M?

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"Hey, what was that?"


Third Person POV


(Y/n) didn't care anymore so she slammed the door open and ran. Clutching tightly to Rindo's jacket, she clumsily tried reaching for her phone in her bag to contact the said male. If she couldn't outrun these guys, she had to at least notify him what they're scheming.

"Somebody's here!" Mina screamed and that only drove (y/n) to push her feet faster off the ground and out the school's main doors.

The (h/c)-haired female momentarily stopped trying to find her phone to fully head straight towards Rindo. As of right now, that would only slow her down and she would call once she loses the five others. Her priority is to simply survive.

'Should I take the train?' The (y/h) girl thought as she came to the point of heading right into the station or left using the detour route, 'What if he isn't home? No, I shouldn't think about that, I'll figure something out if that happens. So this is my best bet—'

Turning on her heel, (y/n) made a b-line to her left which would ultimately close the distance between her and her assailants; however, she figured she could lose them with all the turns and corners. The last thing she wanted was to be waiting for the train only to be trapped in there with them.

'It'll take ten minutes if I run over to his apartment without stopping,' she hastily pivoted around a street and almost ran into mother pushing a baby stroller— shouting a meek 'sorry!' while she's at it, 'God, I really should be more active... I'm already out of breath.'

The (e/c)-eyed girl caught sight of the city bridge up ahead and felt relieved that she's getting closer to her destination. In fact, it may have been the blood rushing and her heart beating loudly in her ears that she could've sworn that there were no longer rapid footfalls following after her. So, the (h/c)-nette slowed down a tad and looked over her shoulder— heavily panting and trying to catch her breath as she scanned the nearby area.

'No one's there... I lost them?' she thought in relief as she shakily adjusted her bag to grab her phone, 'I'll call Rindo—'


Just as she opened her flip phone and found Rindo's contact, (y/n) heard a branch break behind an intersection of a street and her (e/c) eyes widened. She didn't care to wait for the reveal— she took whatever's left of her energy and bolted. She was even lucky that she managed to press the 'call' button and brought it up to her ear to hear it ring a couple of times, but it didn't last too long as a terrible pain shot through her back and she skidded down the pavement.

"AHH!" (Y/n) wailed in pain as she did her best to protect Rindo's jacket— her exposed skin was scraped and stung at the harsh contact. She tried to get up but somebody was pinning her down, and to be honest, she didn't even know if she could stand in the first place.

"Oh, look at what we have here," a gruff voice spoke behind her ear accompanied with a couple of snickers next to her, "Where do you think you're going? You can't escape now that you know what'll happen to ya."

'My phone,' she remembered, only to be left in despair at it being split in half directly in front of her.

"Come on, we'll have to start the plan early—"

(Y/n) rotated her body as hard as she could and slammed the guy on top of her straight to the ground.

"Goro-san!" The other two boys yelled as the (h/c)-haired female scrambled to her feet. Utilizing their distracted state, she powerfully swung her bag to the closest one to her and proceeded to swing it once more to the other— successfully knocking both of them down.

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