Chapter 16: What a Perfect Day for Crying

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"I'm sorry."


Third Person POV

(Y/n) woke up to a start.

The (e/c)-eyed female inhaled a sharp intake of air as her eyes shot open in terror. Frantic gasps filled her lungs in an attempt to calm down from her dreams, or rather, nightmare. The image still very clear in her mind— imprinted, almost.

Being tortured to death.

At first, it was shadow people and the damage was rather light, as if she was getting teased by her classmates. The next couple of nights after that, the people became more distinct and the dreams were extensions of what previously happened to her, like what would've happened if Rindo didn't save her from Red Bullet or if she never escaped those three high schoolers. Then, it became people she knew— like Ran and his friends— and how they pummeled her to death, which she felt bad to even dream about. Now, she dreamed about Rindo.

Who would've thought seeing bones pop out of somebody's skin and hearing their desperate pleas of help would be absolutely traumatizing for (y/n). Her dreams depicted that. Instead of that Red Bullet— no, Shibuya Shadow— gangster being attacked by Rindo, (y/n)'s mind replaced him with herself. How easily it was for Rindo to dislocate her joints was not a pretty sight and the petrified girl felt guilty that she even dreamt about it.

"Hah... I should go back to sleep," (y/n) mumbled as she laid the back of her hand on her forehead.

Beep! Beep! Beep—!

An irk mark surfaced before the (h/c)-nette slammed her hand on her alarm clock, effectively shutting it off, "Nevermind..."

If she wasn't already losing sleep because of club, she was definitely losing sleep now.


"(L/n)-san, are you going to stay late again?" The sewing club's president asked whilst worriedly eyeing down her underclassman.

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna stay as late as I usually do," (y/n) looked up from her work and sent a small smile to relieve the older female's nerves, "I need to return something..."

"Is Haitani Rindo picking you up again?"

"Nah, he doesn't know that I'm leaving club early— er, earlier than I usually leave, that is."

"Ehh?! Do you need me to stay behind? I'll wait for you."

"It's fine, Prez," the (y/h) first-year reassured with a rather half-hearted expression gracing her face, "I'll lock up the club room. You go on ahead."

"Alright," the third-year answered hesitantly before turning around, "See you tomorrow, (l/n)-san."

The club president waved her goodbye whilst the (h/c)-haired teen returned the gesture. As soon as she left, though, (y/n) immediately dropped the act.

'I'm so tired...' she rested her head on the table before glancing over to the sewing machine, 'I need to finish this, at least. I'll rest when this is done.'

With a heavy sigh, (y/n) straightened herself up and got right back to work— the glaring hole in Rindo's jacket staring painfully right back at her. Actually, there were several rips and tears that littered the article of clothing but she managed to patch them up over the week; however, the last one she has to fix up was quite possibly the worst. She didn't even know if it was salvageable which would render the rest of her progress useless.

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